edits needed: PLEASE READ CAREFULLT edit 1:The assignment instructions for this section state that the criterion is the following: Explain the rationale for a selected measurement for a research study. However, I do not see a response in your assignment addressing this criterion. I would recommend viewing the learning content for the course to help you with your understanding of the learning content on instrument selection. To meet the distinguished mark you would need to demonstrate your ability to bridge the gap (Church, 2011) between instrument selection theory, in general, and practical application of that theory to your specific research paper. References Church, A. H. (2011). Bridging the Gap Between the Science and Practice of Psychology in Organizations: State of the Practice Reflections. Journal of Business and Psychology, 26(2), 125128. doi:10.1007/s10869-011-9229-2 I do not read anywhere in your document in which you report the results of any specific INFERENTIAL statistic (Privitera, 2018) which you should have run. Please go back to assessment 3 where you learned about the t-test and assessment 4 where you learned about the ANOVA, chi-square test, and regression analysis. You will need to select ONE of those specific inferential statists that has the correct purpose for the purpose of the study (i.e. a chi-square test would be appropriate if you want to know if your two variables are CORRELATED (capitalization for emphasis) because the chi-square test is a correlational test. And the t-test would be the appropriate test if you wanted to know if there was a DIFFERENCE (capitalization for emphasis) in one of your variables based on group membership in the other variable because a t-test is a MEANS-DIFFERENCE test. This also ties in with the DESIGN of the study. What is your research DESIGN? It needs to align with your variables and your primary inferential statistic used. If you have questions on the difference between inferential and descriptive statistics, please get with the course tutor. References Privitera, G. J. (2018). Statistics for the behavioral sciences (Third Edition). SAGE. In this section on measures you need to define the specific variables you will be measuring and you need to define them in the following ways: (1) variable name and definition, (2) is the variable an independent or a dependent variable (or perhaps there is no hypothesized dependent nor independent variable is a correlational study but if so you need to clarify that fact), (3) operationally HOW will the variable be measured, (4) theoretically (meaning how is the variable tied into the fundamental theory that the study is based on) (5) scale of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio) which ties into WHICH type of statistical analysis you can use (Privitera, 2018). edit 2:The assignment instructions for this section state that the criterion is the following: Explain the rationale for a selected measurement for a research study. However, I do not see a response in your assignment addressing this criterion. I would recommend viewing the learning content for the course to help you with your understanding of the learning content on instrument selection. To meet the distinguished mark you would need to demonstrate your ability to bridge the gap (Church, 2011) between data analysis, in general, and practical application of that theory to your specific research paper. References Church, A. H. (2011). Bridging the Gap Between the Science and Practice of Psychology in Organizations: State of the Practice Reflections. Journal of Business and Psychology, 26(2), 125128. doi:10.1007/s10869-011-9229-2 What about the research DESIGN (capitalization for emphasis). Will you be using an ex-post facto design (Leedy & Ormrod, 2013), or a correlational design (Leedy & Ormrod, 2013), or perhaps an experimental design (Leedy & Ormrod, 2013), or perhaps a quasi-experimental (Leedy & Ormrod, 2013). You need to not only clarify that you will be using QUANTITATIVE methodology but you also need to clarify what your specific DESIGN will be in this section. References Leedy, P., & Ormrod, J. (2013). Practical Research Planning and Design (10th.). Pearson Education, Inc. Your data analysis section is very basic. You have not made it clear in your data analysis section regarding WHICH kind of specific inferential statistical test you plan on using. Will you be using a correlational test such as Pearson R (1901) , Spearmans Rho (Spearman, 1904), Point biserial (2013), or perhaps Chi-Square (Warner, 2013)? Or maybe a means difference test such as a t-test (Privitera, 2018) or Mann-Whitney U test (Warner, 2013)? Or perhaps you need a group difference test with omnibus results such as ANOVA (Warner, 2013)? Or if you have multiple dependent variables you might need to use MANOVA (Warner, 2013)? You need to be specific and communicate the exact statistical procedure that you would plan on using and that procedure should be in alignment (i.e. a correlation test is the appropriate test for a correlation design and some sort of means difference statistic would be appropriate for an experimental group comparison design). In addition, you will need to clarify all of the assumptions associated with your specific test along with how you will test those assumptions. As an example, one of the fundamental assumptions with the parametric Pearsons R (1901) is the assumption of normality of the distribution of data that will be correlated and that assumption is normally tested with the Shapiro-Wilk test (Warner, 2013). In addition, you will need to clearly communicate the alpha level (Warner, 2013) for your test. I would recommend getting with the course tutor for some help on this. edit 3:The assignment instructions for this section state that the criterion is the following: Report the results of a statistical analysis. However, I do not see a response in your assignment addressing this criterion. I would recommend viewing the learning content for the course to help you with your understanding of the learning content on how to report the results of a statistical test. To meet the distinguished mark you would need to demonstrate your ability to bridge the gap (Church, 2011) between statistical test theory, in general, and practical application of that theory and specific statistical test to your specific research paper. To meet the distinguished mark on this criterion you will need to report: (1) the actual statistical test used (ANOVA, t-test, correlation, etc.), (2) report the actual test result (t value, F value, R value, etc.), (3) report the degrees of freedom, (4) report the p value, (5) report all of the above in correct APA format, and (6) interpret the results of the test in your own words. References Church, A. H. (2011). Bridging the Gap Between the Science and Practice of Psychology in Organizations: State of the Practice Reflections. Journal of Business and Psychology, 26(2), 125128. doi:10.1007/s10869-011-9229-2 edit 4:The assignment instructions for this section state that the criterion is the following: Explain the reliability and validity of conclusions. I do not read anywhere in which you addressed the psychometric properties of reliability and validity for the study nor how you measured those properties. I would recommend viewing the learning content for the course to help you with your understanding of the learning content on the psychometric properties of reliability and validity. In this section, to meet the distinguished mark you will need to discuss the SPECIFIC psychometric properties of reliability of the results of your data analysis (test-retest reliability, inter-rater reliability, internal consistency, etc.) and the SPECIFIC forms of validity that support your data analysis (construct, criterion, concurrent, predictive, etc.) (Warner, 2013). You will also not only need to report the specific reliability and validity coefficients but will need to make your own evaluation of those coefficients against well-established benchmarks such as those published in Warner (2013). References: Warner, R. (2013). Applied Statistics: From Bivariate Through Multivariate Techniques (2nd. Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. ****Please put all changes in a separate font color. ****
research report