Discussion 1: Affinity Group Checkpoint #4
This week, you will once again have the help and support of your peers by engaging in a discussion of your coursework with your Affinity Group. Just as you would like to receive meaningful comments on your work, allow others the same privilege and try to provide meaningful feedback.
To prepare for this Discussion:
Review this week’s Learning Resources, especially:
Wiseman, L. (2017). Multipliers: How the best leaders make everyone smarter (Rev. ed.). New York, NY: HarperCollins.
- Chapter 9, “Becoming a Multiplier”
Respond to two of your colleagues’ postings that contain a perspective other than yours.
- Share an insight about what you learned from having read your colleagues’ postings and discuss how and why your colleague’s posting resonated with you professionally and personally. (Note: This may be a great opportunity to help you think about passions you share with your colleagues who could become part of your Walden network.)
- Offer an example from your experience or observation that validates what your colleague discussed.
- Offer specific suggestions that will help your colleague build upon his or her perceptions as a leader.
- Offer further assessment from having read your colleague’s post that could impact a leader’s effectiveness.
- Share how something your colleague discussed changed the way you consider your own leadership qualities.
- 4–5 paragraphs in length
- No Plagiarism
- Cite References
1st Colleague – Natasha Mills
Research Paper Track – Research Methods
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My research study seeks to investigate the types of support leaders can provide Gen Z in the workplace to help them grow in their careers, as well as for the realization of organizational goals. Therefore, the participants of the study will comprise of Gen Z employees and organizational leaders, mostly managers. The participants will be selected using a convenience sample that will include Gen Z in my workplace, whose help I will use to recruit their friends who are also Gen Z in various workplaces. According to Dudovskiy (2022), convenience sampling is a non-probabilistic method that involves getting participants from wherever is convenient, and wherever one can find them. At the same time, convenience sampling has no inclusion criteria and is used for issues about perceptions. Therefore, convenience sampling will be an appropriate sampling method for this study because it involves investigating the perceptions of particular groups about an issue affecting them.
The confidentiality and anonymity of participants is a critical issue to pay attention to when gathering data. Adhering to these tenets informs the ethical side of research. Anonymity is mostly associated with qualitative studies and involves collecting data without identifying or personal information of the participants (Coffelt, 2017). Whereas anonymity is important in any research study, it will be more critical for my research study due to the use of convenience sampling for recruiting participants. Hence, in my study, I will protect the anonymity of participants by avoiding any interview questions or surveys that require them to reveal personal or identifying information. In the case where such information will be gathered, it will be separated promptly to stop the possibility of anyone connecting the data to a person.
The data gathered will mostly be recorded and stored electronically in a memory drive that will be in my possession during the entire research project. After a final report of the research findings has been published, the data will be destroyed through permanent deletion. Any data that will be recorded on paper during the research project will be shredded after the publication of findings to ensure the security of the information the participants will provide (Princeton Research, 2022). The recording and transcription of interviews will also be electronic using a recorder and a transcription software.
When it comes to the surveys I will use for the research project, I will create my own because I have a better grasp of the variables I want to measure during the study. At the same time, creating my own surveys will allow me to stay connected to the study, which will help me identify any variables that may emerge despite not being predicted (Watterson & Carnegie, 2014). On the contrary, using a professionally developed survey is likely to result in detachment from the research study, which, in turn, will compromise its findings and conclusions.
Demographic data is crucial to the efficiency of the data that will be gathered during the study since it includes factors such as gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and disability status, among others, all of which affect people differently (Fernandez et al., 2016). The best way to collect such data without recording personal or identifying information will be through the framing of the questions. These questions will use sensitive and accurate terms that are consistent with contemporary self-identities to avoid the possible marginalization of some participants.
I will use a consent document to get written permission from my participants to use their responses during data collection and allow them to withdraw from the research project at any point in time. The participants will be required to sign the consent document after they have been provided with adequate information and all details about the study. Before the signing of the form, the comprehension of the participants will also be assessed for the efficiency of the study. The principle of informed consent requires careful consultation and explanation before the collection of data (Bell & Waters, 2018). The research study will adhere to this principle.
Bell, J., & Waters, S. (2018). Ebook: doing your research project: a guide for first-time researchers. McGraw-hill education (UK).
Dudovskiy, J. (2022). The ultimate guide to writing a dissertation in business studies: A step-by-step assistance.
Fernandez, T., Godwin, A., Doyle, J., Verdin, D., Boone, H., Kirn, A., … & Potvin, G. (2016). More comprehensive and inclusive approaches to demographic data collection.
Coffelt, T. A. (2017). Confidentiality and anonymity of participants. The SAGE encyclopedia of communication research methods, 227-230.
Princeton Research. (2022). Best practices for data analysis of confidential data | Research integrity and assurance. Research Integrity and Assurance. https://ria.princeton.edu/human-research-protection/data/best-practices-for-data-a
Watterson, C. A., & Carnegie, D. A. (2014, April). What surveys and interviews tell us. In 2014 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) (pp. 54-61). IEEE.
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2nd Colleague – Kimberly Thompson
RE: Discussion 1: Research Paper Track – Week 5Top of Form
The purpose of research is to develop a solution. In week one, I identified a problem in the Black community that those that seek mental health services are stigmatized. I formulated five questions that I will ask random people from all different walks of life. After I collect and evaluate the data, I want to bring awareness to the Black community that they can privately receive adequate mental health services in their community or at their workplace without being stigmatized. My participants will randomly be selected and I would like to use people that have received mental health services and those that have not.
I would say that I would use a random sample and I feel that would lead me to get great feedback. I also plan to research previous failed studies that included data and those that did not have any data. I typically choose this topic because I have a background in Social Work and I have worked with several people that are in need of mental health services but the Blacks are reluctant to receive services. I have always thought that the barriers was the reasons why Blacks refused to seek mental health services until recently.
All participants will remain anonymous because they will fill out a questionnaire that I plan to prepare and not label it and put it in a sealed box. In week seven when I start to put my final project together, I will then get the data from the surveys to complie and use in my report. I plan to keep the data in a sealed box at my home. I will put a statement on my survey that will state that they have the right to withdraw from this research at anytime in writting. I will also incoporate that a signature on the form will give consent to use the information. I understand that whenever data is collected, there is a chance that confidentiality can be breeached and that is something that I will strive to prevent. Confidentiality refers to the “researcher’s agreement to handle, store, and share research data to ensure that information obtained from and about research participants is not improperly divulged (University of Nevada, Reno, 2019).
University of Nevada, Rino. (2019, July 1). Maintaining Data Confidentiality: Research integrity. https://www.unr.edu/research-integrity/human-research.
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