

Please read each challenge carefully (from the textbook, as shown below) and provide the required answer. 

Challenge 1: Identifying Link and Loop Polarity (section 5.2.3, p. 145, Figure 5-5)

Challenge 2: Employee Motivation (Section 5.2.3, p. 147-148, Figure 5-8)

Please note:

· Drawing the diagrams: For this assignment, you are not required to use Vensim (although you are welcome to do). You can use any software that enables you to properly draw the diagrams. You may use Microsoft Visio (which you can download for free as a CSU student[1]). Alternatively, you can use Draw.io which is a cloud-based free software for flow charts, etc. 

· For Challenge 2, please make sure to answer the questions included in the challenge, in addition to providing the required diagram.

What to submit on Blackboard:

1- Whatever the software you use to draw the diagrams, please submit the original file in addition to an exported PDF file for each diagram. For example, if you use Draw.io, you will submit the original XML files, and you will also export each diagram as a PDF file and submit those too. 

2- Provide your answer to the questions in Challenge 2 in a Word document and submit along with the diagram files. 


[1] https://azureforeducation.microsoft.com/devtools

You must use your [email protected] email address as the account name and CSU password to sign in. I suggest you download Visio 2019 (rather than 2021) for compatibility issues



sathya 618
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