1. Create a digraph for the following set of tasks:
3. Using the priority list T4, T1, T7, T3, T6, T2, T5, schedule the project with two processors.
5. Using the priority list T4, T3, T9, T10, T8, T5, T6, T1, T7, T2 schedule the project with two processors.
7. Using the priority list T4, T3, T9, T10, T8, T5, T6, T1, T7, T2 schedule the project with three processors.
9. Use the decreasing time algorithm to create a priority list for the digraph from #3, and schedule with two processors.
10. Use the decreasing time algorithm to create a priority list for the digraph from #3, and schedule with three processors.
15. With the digraph from #3: a. Apply the backflow algorithm to find the critical time for each task b. Find the critical path for the project and the minimum completion time c. Use the critical path algorithm to create a priority list and schedule on two processors.