The initial post is due on Wednesday and needs to be a minimum of 175 words.
There are multiple components that contribute to overall well-being, including exercise and nutrition.
Week 5 questions:
- From the readings this week, the importance of physical activity was discussed.
- What are the various types of exercise?
- How much exercise is recommended as stated in the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans?
- Are Americans meeting these guidelines? If not, why not?
- What are the some of the many benefits of physical activity for our health?
- Can physical activity prevent chronic disease? How?
- How does nutrition impact our mental health – our mood, behavior and brain functions? What are some particular nutrients (macronutrients, vitamins, minerals) that should be avoided or increased to improve our mental health?
SCI/163T: Elements Of Health And Wellness Wk 5 Discussion – Factors that Contribute to Well-Being