Report on Your Personal Code of EthicsEach assignment challenges your understanding, helps you hone your understanding of ethical issues and dilemmas, and helps you work toward solutions and resolutions. Importantly, you will reduce your own Personal Code of Ethics to writing both at the beginning of the semester and again near the end of the semester. What you learn may cause you to re-think your Code. Only rarely do people write out their Code on their own. You will not be graded on you on your personal code itself, but on how you express it, justify it, and how you explain how you came to develop your personal code. This is a written report on how, who and what shaped your Personal Code of Ethics, and whether any event in your life or the life of another significantly contributed to your Code. Discuss whether you think your present Code will see you through your business career and, secondarily, whether will it serve your personal life. How will it affect others close to you and those not close? You may list or number the primary elements of your code of ethics.
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