In 400-500 words, you will draw conclusions about your analysis. This part of the project answers two major questions: what did you learn about your experience and what did you learn about the concept? To answer the question about what you learned about your experience, you could write about how conducting this analysis changed/improved/challenged your understanding of the event you described. For the second question, what you learned about the concept, describe how after conducting this analysis this changed/helped your understanding of the concept. This is also a place where you can/should be critical of the concept if it did not fully fit your experience. Here you could explain how the concept/theory could be improved to better capture your experience. A common mistake, and an understandable one, that students make with this section is similar to the mistake students make in part 2: telling without supporting a claim. Saying you learned a lot is not enough – describe and support this claim in your writing with examples.
Self 3