Personal Self-Assessment of Non-Discriminatory Behavior Checklist
Rate yourself on the following criteria. Try to be as honest with yourself as possible.
When you have completed the checklist, make a list of areas you think need improvement.
Create specific goals for becoming more non-discriminatory.
Self-Discriminatory Behavior:
Rate yourself – Use rating scale from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)
I educate myself about the culture and experience of other racial/religious/ethnic/economic groups by attending classes, workshops, cultural events, reading, etc.
I spend time reflecting on my own childhood/upbringing to analyze where and how I received racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, heterosexist or other prejudiced messages.
I look at my own attitudes and behaviors as an adult to determine how I am colluding with or combating racism in our society.
I evaluate my own use of language to see if I use terms or phrases that are degrading or hurtful to another group.
I avoid stereotyping and generalizing about person based on their group identity, gender, etc.
I value cultural differences and avoid statements such as “I never think of you as a [blank],” which discredits differences.
I am aware of, and can explore and discuss with comfort, issues of racism and pluralism.
I am open to having someone of another race point out ways in which my behavior may be insensitive.
I give equal attention to all staff whom I supervise regardless of race, religion, socioeconomic class, or physical ability.
I am comfortable giving constrictive criticism to someone of another race, gender, age or physical ability.
I include material about all racial/religious/ethnic/economic groups in my programs even though other groups may not be represented, because pluralistic program material is important for all.
I take special efforts in my job to develop practices that are, inclusive, such as scheduling meetings, locating meetings, and changing participation costs, when needed.
I consciously monitor TV programs, newspapers and advertising for biased content.
I monitor the environment in my home, my office, my house of worship and my children’s school for multicultural visuals and request such materials if they are lacking.
I feel free to ask persons who are using discriminatory language and behavior to refrain, and am comfortable stating my reasons.
I am willing to be proactive within my organization to achieve diversity goals in hiring and programming.
I am actively anti-racist in my personal life by supporting letter-writing campaigns and other means of achieving equity.
Areas needing improvement:
This activity was adapted from “Commitment to Combat Racism” by Dr. Beverly Tatum & Andrea Ayvazian in White Awareness: Handbook for Anti-Racism Training by Judy H. Katz. Copyright © 1978 by the University of Oklahoma Press, Norman. Reprinted by permission of the publisher. All rights reserved.
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