Analyzing and Evaluating Experiences
Every day, we encounter multiple media: videos, print articles, music videos, visual arts, film, TV shows, and graphics. Instinctively, we make choices about what we see and hear. We like or dislike the media based on personal preferences, past experiences, and our knowledge. A character in a film may touch our hearts or may be unbelievable.
In this course, we strengthen our critical analysis skills by identifying specific elements and strategies used by the author or creator of selected pieces, and organize our thoughts based on rhetorical modes (strategies). To get started watch the video below.
Review the Week 1 Discussion Example
For your initial post, select one medium—film, TV show, music video, or printed piece.
Identify by title, author/creator/director and media
Post a URL if available (You Tube video or link)
Summarize the piece in one paragraph
Analyze the piece based on two rhetorical modes (strategies) in a second paragraph
Author’s note: Share your preference (like or dislike) for the selection and tell the audience why in a third paragraph.
Initial post should be a minimum of 250 words and posted by Wednesday.