Provide your final draft here for your second short fiction essay. It should be in MLA format and should contain at least 1,000 words. It should be edited thoroughly and should conform to the assignment parameters that I have laid out in previous assignments. Look at the essay example I provided in the previous module and be sure that your final draft looks just like it, same font and size (Times New Roman, 12), skipped lines, Works Cited page, header, heading, etc. Be sure that you use or convert to .doc or .docx saved file format so that I can download it into Canvas Speed Grader.  I will be giving detailed feedback with comments on the essay itself and a final comment at the end that will address overall content, grammar, and MLA format in that order. I added a guide to reading your feedback. Use it to make sure you have checked all of your feedback. Be sure to edit carefully for careless errors, grammar errors (especially major errors, like run-on sentences, fragments, subject verb agreement, pronoun confusion etc.), clarity, etc. Be sure that you have a narrowed topic and controlling idea in your thesis and that it is provided at the end of your introductory paragraph and that your thesis is mentioned throughout your entire essay and that it is referenced after all of your quotes so that you have coherence. Read over your essay carefully one final time before you upload it in addition to your careful editing and proofreading to be sure to catch all of those little mistakes that sneak through. I always end up finding one or two careless errors or a few places where I can add some extra information for the sake of clarity when I do this even though I edit and proofread carefully while writing and afterwards. 


Short fiction essay 2- final draft
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