In this assignment, you will develop a short topic proposal. The assignment is intended to challenge you to think carefully about your topic selection process, considering both what you are interested in and what would lead to a substantial, compelling college-level research essay.
My topic is the impacts of social media.
Your paper should have 4 paragraphs.
In the first paragraph, you should:
- Identify your topic and give some basic information you already know about it
In the second paragraph,
- Discuss why you are interested in this topic and what impressions, biases, and prior knowledge you have about the topic.
In the third paragraph,
- Explain what makes this topic urgent or relevant by citing a specific event/controversy in this news (Google News)
In the fourth paragraph, list 4-5 research questions that you think can guide your research process over the next few months. Follow the research question guide provided in class and on Schoology.
Minimum requirements:
1½-2 pages
12 point, Times New Roman or Garamond font
MLA Heading (Name, Instructor, Class, Date)
My Topic is social Media