Operations Quality Management Common Instructions
- Access the . Carefully review the simulation’s introductory information and instructions, as well as the information in the OM Simulation Descriptions and Implementation Tips, linked below. After completing the simulation, capture a screen image of your final simulation results, which are to be included in your Critical Thinking Assignment.
- The Operations Quality Management assignment content must include the following:
- 2.1 Introduction: Explain the purpose or thesis of the paper and explain how the body of the paper is arranged to support the purpose of the paper.
- 2.2 Provide a brief definition of operations quality management and identify why it is important in an organization’s operations
- 2.3 Provide a brief overview description of the Quality Management Simulation including the targeted goals of the simulation.
- 2.4 Describe specifics about the model or approach used as the basis for your strategy in performing the Quality Management Simulation; in an appendix, include an illustrated (worked-out) example of a formula, calculation, or technique developed as a central part of your Quality Management Simulation strategy.
- 2.5 Describe at least three operations quality management methods, principles, or techniques experienced in the Quality Management Simulation.
- 2.6 Clearly describe your simulation results and indicate how well they met the targeted simulation goals.
- 2.7 Itemize at least three lessons learned from the Quality Management Simulation and describe how this understanding is important for a career in operations management.
- 2.8 Conclusion should present a recap of key points and summary of main emphasis without repeating verbatim and exclusive of new information.
- 2.9 References should include at least two current scholarly references (published within the past five years) in addition to the course text.
- 2.10 Appendices:
- 2.10.1 Illustrated (worked-out) Quality Management example.
- 2.10.2 Quality Management Simulation results including the rubric evaluation metrics (i.e. Profit).
4-6 pages APA 7 format and at least 6 references.