Required Essay Each student’s essay should address the following: The reasons for your interest in and selecting the social work major Personal attributes that contribute to o your preparation for social work o your academic readiness to study social work, and o your potential success as a social worker o any particular strengths that may contribute to your being an effective social worker o You may also consider addressing weakness, if any, in your application. For example, if you had a semester or more of low academic performance in the past, it is appropriate to discuss this, and demonstrate how it served as a learning experience, and to also add what has changed so you can now be academically successful. o Students are cautioned about self-disclosure and should only do so if it makes a wider argument for entry into the program. You are not expected to disclose intimate details of your life. However, if you choose to disclose a personal problem or event from the past, you should make it clear how the issue has been resolved so that you may now succeed in the program. Any such discussion of a problem or trauma should be brief and should focus on how this experience informed you in ways to be a good social worker. Any work, volunteer, and life experience that have shaped your decision to enter the field Long-term academic goals Long term career or professional goals. This essay is your opportunity to both explain your reasons for wanting to enter the social work profession and to demonstrate the strength of your writing. Your essay will be assessed on how well it conveys an argument, as well as the your ability to write according to academic standards, including but not limited to, essay structure, grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. Both content and writing will be assessed by the Admissions Committee. Essays must be typed, double-spaced, and at least three pages in length and should comply with academic standards in writing.
social worker essay