Posted Date:
February 17, 2023 2:04 PM
On page 42 and pages 46-47, Socrates claims that what he is doing is highly beneficial to the citizens of Athens. He makes this claim because he believes that he has taught Atheninan citizens reality by always speaking the truth. Socrates believes that he has taught citizens of Athens the truth (which is hard to come by). One argument that Socrates makes to defend this statement is when he states “If you kill me you will not easily find another like me, who, if I may use such a ludicrous figure of speech, am a sort of gadfly, given to the State by the gods (Apology, Page 43).” Socrates compares himself to a gadfly because he “arouses, persuades, and reproaches” the State. To put it simpler, Socrates awakens the people of Athens and teaches them reality. Another argument that Socrates makes is when he describes his story about the Thirty. He states that he was ordered to kill Leon from Salamis, but the day of his killing, he went home because he did not believe in it. Socrates shows (by saying this) that he has always stayed true to himself and is on the side of right.
After Socrates receives a guilty verdict and Meletus proposes death as punishment, Socrates assumes that maintenance in the Prytaneum would be an appropriate exchange for his services. It states in the Hughes film that Socrates suggested “free meals.” Socrates also imposes that his penalty should be a mina (a fine). Looking back at the Hughes film and Stone interview, it is safe to say that because of what happened with the Thirty Tyrants, many Athenians were protective of their democracy, therefore they tried to eliminate anyone who opposed it. I think that various groups of jurors would respond to Socrates harshly based off of Socrates’ proposal of maintenance in the Prytaneum as an appropriate exchange for his services. I believe they would act this way because the Prytaneum was a building that was reserved for important visitors and deserving citizens. The building was not reserved for people on trial with the accusation of corrupting the youth and being an athiest.
Sabrina Martinez
Posted Date:
February 15, 2023 9:26 PM
Why does Socrates claim (on pages 42 and on pages 46-47) that what he is doing is highly beneficial to the citizens of Athens?
Socrates asserts that his actions are incredibly advantageous to the inhabitants of Athens because he thinks people must reflect on and challenge their beliefs (Biffle, 2001). He believes that by doing this, individuals will be better able to discern the truth and arrive at wiser conclusions. Socrates thinks that by instilling greater virtue in its inhabitants, his endeavor will enhance Athens as a whole.
What is his argument (or what are his arguments) for this?
Socrates claims that his actions have had a positive impact on the citizens of Athens, and as such, he should not be put to death. He argues that his work has led to Athens’s betterment and encouraged the people to become more virtuous. Moreover, Socrates asserts that he has not violated any laws and should not be executed (Biffle, 2001). He states that his intention has always been to help the people of Athens and that he has never caused them harm.
What does he assume would be appropriate in exchange for his services?
Socrates feels that the appropriate repayment for his services to the citizens of Athens would be to allow him to continue living and working in the city (Biffle, 2001). He views his contributions to the city as having a positive impact on the quality of life there.
Think back to the material that Hughes and Stone gave us about what had been happening in and around Athens in recent years? How do you think various groups of jurors hearing his arguments would respond to him?
The jurors who heard Socrates’ arguments would likely have diverse reactions to his statements. Some of the jurors may have agreed with Socrates and thought that his actions had a positive impact on Athens. Meanwhile, others might have believed that he should be put to death, as they felt he was responsible for corrupting the youth.
The jurors who would align with Socrates’ views would likely see the value in his work, as it promoted the questioning of beliefs and stimulated critical thinking about one’s convictions. They may also have considered him innocent of any wrongdoing because he had not inflicted physical harm on Athens’s citizens.
The jurors who oppose Socrates’ views would likely see his work as harmful because it challenged individuals to re-evaluate their cherished beliefs. They might have also accused him of corrupting the youth, as he encouraged them to question their beliefs. This could have led them to conclude that Socrates was guilty of this offense.
Biffle, C. (2001). A guided tour of five works by Plato
Flora Burgos Ceballos
Posted Date:
February 20, 2023 7:49 PM
On Five work by Plato’s, on pages 42-47 Socrates claim to be superior and a wiser man by making the men of Athens to reflects on their valves, as he being a man of gods. He argues that killing him would be a disservice to Athens as he is helping men to pursue on their valves. He also claims to “know very little of the other world” as he is certainly not supposed to know”. He claims himself to be a godfly given to Athens by gods, as he stayed that people of Athens would not have another man of his kind.
Most jurors would have him condemned to death, in one part because he was a teacher of Critias, a dictator. Because he was Critias’s teacher he was aloud to stay In Athens during Critia’s rules. In the other hand, the group of jurors would condemn him to death penalty due to they did not agree with Socrates way of teaching young people and calling himself a man of gods. They responded he was guilty even though he proposed to pay ‘’30 mine’’ as penalty instead, due to he owns nothing but poverty since he never pursued wealth. Consequently, “Plato has Socrates as a man above the battle of politics.” (I. F. Stones).