GUIDELINES:1.Based on Case Study 4Southwest Airlines(pg. C7)and posted in Modules in Canvas.2.Instructions Analyze and summarize the key attributes of Southwests culture and how the culture enables innovation. Discuss how the Company has leveraged these attributes to gain a competitive advantage and can use these attributes to adapt, change, and continue to grow as the environment in which the Company does business changes. You shouldsupplement yourargument and add strength to it by citing reliable and crediblesources.3.Language and tone This paper is to be written in an evidence based, formal, academic, language and tonestyle. This means you need to be precise and exact and objective. Avoid words like they, them, their, he, his, common clich, personal opinion, and be very aware of proper grammar and sentence construction. Never, ever, never use first person I.4.Length 7501,000words (typically 34pages of text)(standard 8.5 x 11 paper). Title page and references are not included in the word count.5.Layout -Must include: Title page**;Introduction ***; the body of work; and conclusion.6.References -Minimum number of references: Twoat least, in addition to the textbook, with more as neededto support your observations. Points will be deducted if sources are not cited and referenced. You may use books, articles from periodicals or newspapers, and peer reviewed journals.Wikipediaand YouTube arenone of these and arenotacceptable references.7.Suggested references My published research papers, The Need for Speed: Agile Strategies for the 21stCentury, additional videos, and PowerPointsthat are in Canvas Modulesare all available to you and will bevery helpful because littleof what I am looking for is covered in your textbook.I STRONGLY recommend that you use this material. There will also be questions on both the midterm and final taken from these sources.8.Graphics -Graphics, charts, pictures, artare ok if they add to your discussion and help clarify some point.APA says black & white only,but color is OK for this paper.9.Format -Double spaced; typewritten or computer printed.10.Font 12pt.(Times New Roman)11.Margins -1 marginsall aroundper APA12.Citations/References Give credit for work that is not yours by citing the source in the body of the paper and providing the complete reference in the reference section. See APA lite for guidance. Dr. Nold is available to provide additional guidance during office hours.13.Grade/Point Value 90 pts. (9% of total)…grading rubric on the next pageSuggested Guide:(APA Lite 2009. Located in Canvas, under contents, Course Information.)*Late submissions willlose grade pointsat the rate of 10% per any portion of a day up to 3days.After which, the paper will not be graded,and a 25-pointpenalty will be assessed for not completing the assignment.
** Title page must includeat minimum: Title of your work; Course number(GEB4891); Course Name(Strategic Planning and Management); Your name; Name of college(Polk State College); Name of your professor(Dr. H. A. Nold); Date of submission.***Yourintroduction willact as a lead in to the rest of theessayand provide a general statement about the case and your findings.A good introduction also contains some hook statement that captures the readers interest and encourages him or her to read on.May be typically 100-200 words in such a short essay.
Southwest Airlines Case Study