This project is designed to teach students about specific challenges to the environment.
For this project write a 3-4 page 1.5 spaced, 12 point Times New Roman Numeral paper with normal margins that includes the following information:
1. Identify a species that is endangered, delisted and extinct (within modern times). (5 points)
2. For each species, discuss their value (Quantitatively is preferred, but if there is no quantitative data then qualitative is good). (15 points)
3. For each species, identify and explain why the species was listed and more specifically the market failures that led to its demise. (10 points)
4. For each species, identify and explain the solutions that were implemented to save or try to save the species. From an economic perspective, why are these solutions justified or not. (20 points)
5. For the extinct species, why did the solutions and/or policy fail? Is there an economic reasoning for this? (10 points)
6. For the species that is endangered, is the current policy/solution working? What suggestions, if any do you have and why? If you propose no change, explain why. (10 points)
7. For the species that has been delisted, what about the policy/solution made it successful? (10 points)
Questions 1-4 should be answered to for each species. Questions 5-7 are specific to one of the type of species.
Up to a 10 point deduction will occur for poor grammar.
Species Project