Your Special Project for Lesson 5 is to search and describe 5 informal fallacies from things around you. Please find 1 recent example (within the last 10 years) from each of the following categories:
1. A print advertisement-from newspaper, magazine, web, billboard, “junk mail” ads, marketing email, etc.
2. A TV advertisement
3. A “Letter to the Editor”-from any newspaper or news web site. You have access to many of these sources, including The Oklahoman and The New York Times, through the OCCC Library and your OCCC account.
4. A social media ad (or other internet ad) that showed up on your timeline/browser.
5. A political ad, political debate, political news show, etc. involving an Oklahoma-related issue or candidate. Individual campaign websites or social media platforms may be a good place to start here.
Please number your findings, 1-5. Next to each number, include a link to or screenshot/photo of the ad. Also include a complete MLA citation or credit for the source. Below each citation, complete the project in narrative/paragraph form. Describe the context of the ad, including who it was created by, where and when it was originally published. Name the fallacy, tell me the context of the fallacy, describe the fallacy, and give a rationale of why you see it as a fallacy.
After you have completed all 5 examples and narratives, write a final concluding paragraph reflecting on the experience of finding fallacies around you and how fallacies play out in your own life