Marketing a sport facility is a major component of facility management. It is something that all sport facility managers must be able to do if their facility is to be successful. Sport facility marketing requires a strategy that considers the local audience, the capabilities of the facility and staff, and the goals for the facility.
For this assignment, you will choose College Football Team (Coastal Carolina University) in your local area. You will take on the task of developing a strategy for marketing the teams home schedule that could be presented to the team or facility executives. Then you will write a two-page paper detailing your proposed strategy. References are not required for this assignment, but you may include them if you want to provide more depth to your paper.
Steps for completing the assignment are as follows:
- Select a high school or college team in your local area. If you are deployed military or living in a location that is not local to you, you may select a team from your hometown.
- Secure a copy of an upcoming home event schedule. Schedules can typically be found by using a search engine and typing in [name of school] [type of sport] schedule (e.g., Anywhere, USA High School football schedule).
- Consider what you know about the teams fan base and the local community, then:
- determine which four events would be good for specialty nights (e.g., use of promotions, giveaways, fireworks, etc.), and explain why, and
- determine the specific strategies you would recommend the team or facility pursue to guarantee a sellout for one additional event, and explain why.
- Read the instructor feedback from the last assignment and apply it as you write this paper.
- Write the paper. Include in the content:
- an introduction naming the sport team you chose,
- an overview of the fan base and local community,
- the strategy (strategies) you recommend for accomplishing the items in Step 3 above,
- a summary of your overall marketing plan for the teams season, and
- your analysis of whether the schedule will effectively market the team. Use critical thought and support your reasoning.
- Submit your paper according to the information provided below.
Paper requirements are as follows:
- Write a minimum of two double-spaced pages.
- Address the topic of the paper using critical thought. The required information listed above should clearly stand out and be unambiguous. Otherwise, it will be determined to be missing.
- Ensure that you have prepared a detailed, thoughtful marketing proposal that could be presented to the team or facility executives.
- Ensure that all parts of your paper are formatted according to the APA style as detailed in the approved APA manual.
- Include a title page that includes:
- title of paper,
- your name, and
- university name.
- Include an introductory section at the start of your paper.
- Include the following first-level headings:
- Overview of [the Sport Team]
- Recommended Strategies
- Summary of Overall Marketing Plan for [the Sport Team]
- Analysis of How Schedule Will Market [the Sport Team]
- Conclusion