Structural provision chosen

   There is a ten-week hiatus between Election Day and the associated presidential inauguration.This period is explicable, in large part, with regard to the need of the Electoral College to operate.In any case, during this period, the outgoing office holder is a lame-duck president with full legalauthority to make decisions. These actions are often controversial and could have adverse effectson the country and the succeeding president-elect. For example, just before leaving office in2001, President Clinton’s pardon of Marc Rich unleashed a firestorm of criticism. Outgoingpresidents might act this way because they can do controversial things that are desirable to them,without penalty.

Format essay in MLA, four to eight pages – 1000 to 2000 words – long (8.5”x11”), that is, at least fourfull pages (excluding the separate title and works cited pages). Double-space with twelve-pitch font andone-inch margins all around. Paginate at the lower right-hand corner of each page. The title page wouldinclude option number, name, date, title of paper and class information including course and sectionnumbers. Use course materials, the Constitution, and three additional sources to complete your project.Also, use all those resources. This would include, for example, relevant chapters in the textbook thatmay not have been assigned reading. Assess the adequacy of the American Constitution for the practice of democracy in the nationalpolitical system by engaging one and only one of the following questions. What do you think about theassertion that the structural provision you have chosen  is an obstacle to the realizationof majority rule, even if tempered by the preservation of minority rights? In other words, does the issuehinder governing according to the “consent of the governed”? If so, then reflect on what can be done torepair what some perceive as one of the Constitution’s flaws. If not, why?

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Structural provision chosen There is a ten-week hiatus between Election Day and the associated presidential inauguration. This period is explicable, in large part, with regard to the need of the El
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