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Step 1:
Watch the HeLa Ted Ed Video and then review the timeline of Henrietta Lacks’ story below. Once you have done this, scroll down to “Your Task” for directions on how to complete this discussion forum
Here is the link https://youtu.be/22lGbAVWhro
After reviewing the above timeline and watching the video, write a paragraph, minimum of 100 words, in which you address all of the following bullet points:
- In your opinion, was it unethical for researchers to take Henrietta Lacks’ cells without her permission? Why or why not?
- Do you think it is unethical that biotech/pharmaceutical companies are currently profitting from Henrietta Lacks’ cells? Why or why not?
- Currently, leftover tissue samples (e.g., leftover blood you had drawn at the hospital) can be stripped of identifying factors (like your name, birthdate, etc.) and then be used for research without your consent. What are your thoughts on this? Should there be a policy in place to prevent this from happening? Why or why not?
- If you discovered that tissue was removed from your body at some point and went on to significantly benefit science and research, would you feel the need to be compensated somehow? Explain.
- What do you think is more important: a person’s personal rights over their own tissue or contributing to science and research for the benefit of society? Explain. How do you think society can try to balance the needs of scientific research versus the ethical rights of individuals?
Study help