o The essay is typed in MLA format o 12 pt. font Times New Roman o 1 inch margins o Double spaced But NO lines are skipped anywhere in the entire essay o Proper pagination Number and Name In top right hand corner o One half inch down o There is a proper heading in the top left hand corner of the first page o The due date is given as the date of the paper o There is a creative title o Centered on the page, – not underlined or in quotes or with an incorrect/unusual font o This paper is written in formal English o No 1 st person (I, me, our, us, we) o No contractions All words are written out. Cannot is one word. o You avoid the word got o The introduction has o A creative attention grabbing sentence! o A clear claim/thesis ______________________________________________________ A statement of what your essay will prove about the art/literature in question o A history section clearly lays out what the issue with the particular topic was and when the issue arose o Each body paragraph backs up the thesis and your thesis is proven in at least two ways o method 1 of proving the thesis___________________________________________________ o method 2 of proving the thesis___________________________________________________ These facts are usually backed up by quotations o The paper is organized in paragraphs that support the claim. o Each is indented five spaces o Each paragraph contains its own distinct idea. o You transition from one idea to another in a clear and organized way.
o Any quotations included are properly cited. o Quotes are in quotation marks Cited properly (author #). Only the authors last name used If there is no author the words in the parenthesis are the ones touching the margin on the works cited page. Punctuation goes after the citation. Citation is located at the end of the sentence with the quote. o There are at least three sources used in the paper Source 1 :_______________ Source 2 :_______________ Source 3 :_______________ o Transition sentences and phrases are used o There is a clear connection from the end of one paragraph to the beginning of another o The order of the essay matters, paragraphs are not interchangeable pieces. o A counterclaim is presented o This counter claim is proven to be wrong, and so this information still supports your thesis o There is a conclusion o It has no new information in it o It clearly states what has been proven in this essay o All items that end in a period are complete sentences and all grammar and punctuation is correct. o The paper should be consistent about tense (past, present, and future) o There is a works cited page o It is properly paginated as the next page in the paper o It has Works Cited centered at the top of the page in plain lettering o It has the minimum required number of entries o The list is alphabetized o Each entry begins flush with the margin Any successive lines are indented five spaces or inch. o All web entries have a date either date of publication or date of access o Each entry has all of the required information formatted according to MLA guidelines o All entries end in a period o Do you feel the evidence provided has proven beyond a doubt that the claim is true? YES NO o Do you feel that the counterclaim has been sufficiently disproven?YES NO o You have found at least two changes that can improve the essay that were not listed above o ________________________________________________________ o ________________________________________________________
the censorship of the holy bible