In this unit, you explored different types of digital divides, including geographical (urban-rural), racial, intergenerational, and international. For this assignment, you are to write an essay on how the digital divide you chose affected the ability to use the technological advancement (again your choice) used during the CoVid pandemic.
Your completed essay will include at least one paragraph for each of the following:
- Description of the digital divide chosen
- Explanation of your choice of digital divide
- Description of technological advancement, include one external reference
- Description of how this advancement was used during the pandemic, include one external reference
- Problem shared by both sides of the digital divide chosen, include one (1) external reference
- First problem experienced only by the digitally disadvantaged, include one (1) external reference
- Second problem experienced only by the digitally disadvantaged, include one (1) external reference
- Your recommendation for how to close the gap to prevent the additional barriers faced by the digitally disadvantaged, include at least one (1) external reference to support your recommendation.
Be sure to use appropriate sources for the external references required for this assignment.
The Digital Divide