
10/7/22, 9:51 AM The Managed Heart [ASSIGNMENT]
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The Managed Heart [ASSIGNMENT]
Due Friday by 11:59pm Points 10 Submitting a file upload (Turnitin enabled)
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Available until Oct 10 at 11:59pm
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The Managed Heart [Reflection Assignment]
After reviewing the summary of the book “The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling,
University of California Press (2012 [1983])” by Arlie Rochschild (See Link in Module as well as
below) 20 mins recording, complete the following prompts in accordance with the to posted reflection
guidelines for this course. Remember to keep submission under the 24% similarity score.

1. You have read chapter on Socialization and Socialization in Everyday Life. What did you see, hear
and feel as you listened thru summary of Rochschild’s research “The Managed Heart” which is
relevant case study to this chapter.
2. According to Rochschild’s work, explain the difference between A) Physical Labor and B) Emotional
Labor. Support your response with an example of each from her work.
3. Why do jobs/ corporations want to control peoples emotions while they are at the workplace?
According to Rochschild is this a good or harmful feature of the job place/ society? What do you
think? Provide support for your response using Rochschild work.
4. Do women do more emotional managing or shadow laboring than do men? Explain and provide
evidence from the audio book as to why or why not.
10/7/22, 9:51 AM The Managed Heart [ASSIGNMENT]
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5. According to Rochschild’s work, what do we learn about the presentation of self and gendered
experiences of male and female in society. Are all men and women created equally and treated and
respected as such in the workplace and larger society? What does Hochschild offer us to suggest
and support that there is a difference and why? Explain her findings on this matter.



The Managed Heart
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