Title : The Piper Cub. Need the historical perspective and its importance in aviation history: why is this information important, what contribution did it bring to aviation or aerospace, what did you learn while researching this topic.
1.Use APA Writing style when presenting you final paper
2.Font: 12 points, Type: Arial, Double space, number each page, footer must
include: authors name
3.Page 1: Cover Page: must include title, date, your name, class name and number
(AWSC 2000)
4.Page 2-6: Body of the paper
5.Page 7: References (use APA format when presenting your references). http or
www addresses by itself will not be accepted as references. Must include date
of the article or source of information, authors name, name of article,
publisher, date of retrieval, etc. A minimum of 5 sources of information must
be used and documented.
6.When in doubt, consult APA Writing Style format.
7.Be original. All papers will be run through Safe Assign to check for plagiarism.
Papers with more than 30% of plagiarism will not be accepted.
The Piper Cub