should be 5 pages long (1,250 words), double-spaced.
Over the Netflix documentary, “The Social Dilemma” and how it relates to psychology.
should be organized in the following way–please follow these instructions carefully and fully for full credit:
-What is the film about generally, who produced it, and when? Where did you find the film or hear about it? Where/how did you stream/view it? How long is the film?
-First major theme of the film
-Give examples from the film
-Discuss how this intersects with things you have learned this semester (cite chapter and concept)
-Second major theme of the film
-Give examples from the film
-Discuss how this intersects with things you have learned this semester (cite chapter and concept)
-Third, most important theme of the film
-Give examples from the film
-Discuss how this intersects with things you have learned this semester (cite chapter and concept)
-What surprised you the most in the film? What didn’t? What drew you to this topic? Was there anything that you felt they left out or didn’t pay enough attention to?
-Do you think this film was sociologically informed? By that, I mean, as you have learned about social constructions and the critical role of many of our social institutions and history, did you watch the film differently or notice things that could have been framed in a different way? This is a complicated question, but try taking a step back from the film and looking at when it was made and by whom. What else was going on at that time that might have made the issue addressed seem important or relevant?
-Any concluding thoughts; would you recommend this documentary to others?