The purpose of this assignment is to identify Organizational Behaviors (OB)  concepts from this course and apply them to situations and people in movies and television.

Choose any TV show episode (or a few),  or a movie and write a reflection (at least 5 pages, double spaced) which includes:

Name of Show/Movie, Season, Episode Number(s)
Choose three specific concepts or theories from the OB class or textbook, and explain how the concepts are demonstrated in the show you chose (Ex: types of political behaviors, attribution theory, conflict, leadership styles)
Briefly explain each character and what is going on in the scene where the concepts are visible
Incorporate references to textbook and classroom material (for example, discuss the signs of stress from the textbook and how the characters are showing them, don’t just say, “they were stressed.”)
Please do not include profanity or detailed descriptions of violence or other inappropriate information. 

Be creative! You can use anything from Avengers to Frozen! You may NOT use Remember the Titans because we will use that as our final exam review.

Here is a guide for the format of the paper;

Introduction of the show/movie
Theory/Concept 1
What is the concept?
How is it demonstrated by the story/characters?
Theory/Concept 2
What is the concept?
How is it demonstrated by the story/characters?
Theory/Concept 3
What is the concept?
How is it demonstrated by the story/characters?
Still confused?

This article contains some analysis of different media so you can get an idea. YOU MAY NOT USE ANY OF THE SHOWS/EPISODES INCLUDED IN THIS ARTICLE: Kernodle, T. (2009). Effective Media Use: Using Film And Television To Instruct An Organizational Behavior Course. American Journal of Business Education (AJBE), 2(8), 37-50.


The purpose of this assignment is to identify Organizational Behaviors (OB) concepts from this course and apply them to situations and people in movies and television.
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