Imperialism/Colonialism, the argument for and against
A. The argument (justification) for imperialism/colonialism is presented in Carl Beckers article. He does NOT support imperialism, but wants Americans fighting in World War II to understand why they are fighting and what political/ economic/cultural theory led to world wars. So he recites the reasons given.
1. How was Darwins theory which Darwin applied only to biology, used by imperialists to justify that which had nothing to do with biology, European conquest and control of non-Europeans. How were non-Europeans seen or, rather, unseen? Why would Europeans support Armaments over Arbitration, strenuously combat the peace propaganda?
2. What was the idealistic argument for imperialism?
a. As revealed by Kiplings White Mans Burden
b. As revealed by images on Africa in the slide lecture
B. Aime Cesaires attack on colonialism and racism
1. Why does Cesaire think that Europe is bankrupt as it pursues imperialism?
2. What from the Rights of Man or The Declaration would support his argument? That is, what principles does he argue for?
3. The crux of his argument is aimed against the imperialist idea that each race has a fixed, unchanging position: What is the intended function of each race, according to imperialists. How accurate is Cesaires attack on imperialism when you consider what imperialists themselves say?
C. Edward Said on Orientalism
1. Said opens his Orientalism essay with I have begun with the assumption that the Orient is not an inert fact of naturemen make their own history
What does inert mean and how does his first paragraph contradict/oppose theories of imperialism that Becker cites?
2. How did the idea of the orient come about? That is, who invented and used it? And to what purposes? (That is, why?)
3. The filmed interview with Said begins with a series of images. What stereotypes of Arabs do these images reveal? How do these images reflect the views of imperialists cited in Beckers article?
4. How is Orientalism, the way we perceive the Other, an inaccurate description of human beings?
The West: Art Theories and Political Revolution