There are a couple discussions they do not have to be long
Unit 4 – Discussion A
Worldview Perspective Transformation ( p 28-29)
Identify a psycho-cultural assumption (either about the way you feel the world is/should be or of a personal nature – personal example found on pg 60-61) that you have changed or modified over time. Describe what factors contributed to this change
Unit 4 – Discussion B
Read Kohlborg’s Delemma (p. 30) To gauge the children’s view on the dilemma presented, Kohlberg followed up with questions similar to
- Should the husband have done that?
- Would you have done it to save someone you love?
- Was it right or wrong?
- Or, possibly, morally right and legally wrong?
- If caught, tried, and found guilty, should Heinze be sent to jail?
How would you answer? Be sure to provide your reasoning behind each answer.
(Kohlberg emphasized that in determining the stage a person is at it is more important to explore the reasoning than the simple answer that the person gives to the questions.)
Unit 5- Discussion A
Perspective of Moral and Ego Development
After reading workbook pages 34-41 and R48-R50 answer one of the options below:
- A) After watching theAmerican Sniper videoLinks to an external site.(what moral principles are going through his mind as he is deciding whether or not to shoot the child Respond by placing the emphasis on the why of your answer.
unit ^6 After reading the new article Close Relationships in Adulthood .Actions article attached
Discuss a relational situation in your own life (or the life of someone you know) that illustrates the interplay of the attachment components of proximity, safe haven, and secure bond–as well as how trust plays into this. (This may, in fact, dovetail with what you describe in the Resilience Exercise, so you should feel free to identify a different situation or experience. Either way, be sure to relate it to the specifics of attachment theory).
Unit 5 – Discussion B
After completing the Inventory (based on Jane Loevinger’s work) on pages R48-R50, indicate the stage you are at according to her model, and briefly indicate one or two of the reasons why. More important, list the three most personally significant qualities that you would like to acquire (e.g., “I have renounced that which is unattainable for me”).
NOTE: I would rather you place emphasis on understanding as opposed to lengthy responding. When you are responding to one another, however, you shouldn’t shortchange each other; use as many words as necessary to fully communicate your thoughts.