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Assignment title: Assessment 3 (mini-Marketing Plan)
Weighting: 45%
Faculty responsible: Ms. Garrido
Programmer: MEPIHM1
Course name: Marketing Strategies for Hotel Management
Course number: M9112
Hand-in date: Last day of the module at 23:59h
Assignment Overview:
This coursework consists of creating a (brief) marketing plan for a hotel of your choice. You
can optionally present a summary of the plan in a short video (less than 10 min).
Overall aim:
Apply marketing strategies as we see them in class, to a real-life scenario and effectively
communicate it in written and (optionally) in audio-visual format.
Learning outcomes:
1, 2, 3, 4.
Organization and methodology:
This is an individual project. You have to produce a report (marketing plan) and optionally a video
summarizing the plan. Different weighing applies to the different options (please see Assessment Tasks
and Weighting Section for details).
Word count:
Max. 5000 words.
Video length:
Max. 10 minutes
Resources available:
Course materials, e-library tools (books, newsletter, online magazines, etc.), internet, professionals
from the industry, and of course the discussions in class based on handouts and videos posted in
There is also a guideline to be used as support for the project. (See Assessment Tasks and Weighting
Section for details).
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Assessment tasks & weighting:
Marketing plan Plan only Plan+Video
Briefly explain the chosen hotel 5% 5%
Initial Considerations
Connection to main business plan (consider mission only) 5% 5%
Brief macro-level analysis (max. 1 page) 5% 5%
Competitive environment 10% 10%
Internal environment 5% 5%
Establish one marketing goal 5% 5%
Develop Marketing Strategies
Segmentation and targeting 10% 5%
Differentiation and positioning 10% 5%
Select only two of the following 20% each 15% each
 Service strategies
 Pricing strategies
 Promotional strategies (offline)
 Promotional strategies (online)
Develop Implementation Plan
Provide one action as contingency for any of the two selected strategies above
5% 5%
Video (Optional) 20%
Clarity of explanation N/A 10%
Summarizing of contents out of the plan N/A 10%
Common skills: assessed (bold) or developed (italics):
1.Manages own
role and
2. Manages own
time in achieving
3.Undertakes personal
and career
4. Transfers skills
gained to new and
changing situations
and contexts.
5.Uses a
range of
6.Treats others’
values, beliefs
and opinions with
7.Relates to and
objectively with
individuals and
8.Works effectively as
a member of a team
9.Receives and
responds to a
variety of
information in a
variety of visual
11.Communicates in
12.Participates in oral
and non-verbal
14. Deals with a
combination of
routine and nonroutine tasks
15.Identifies and
solves routine and
non-routine problems
numerical skills
and techniques
17.Uses a range
of technological
equipment and

Special instructions:
This coursework consists of developing a marketing plan for a hotel of your choice. Ideally you should
choose one hotel that you know very well (for example where you are currently working or where
you have had working experience).
You can also choose to accompany your plan with a summary of it in a short video (less than 10 min.).
If you choose to create a video, the marketing plan will weigh 80% and the video 20% of this project’s
If you choose to only produce a report, the plan will weigh 100% of the grade.
Your videos should show your face while presenting. You can use any supporting material that you
prefer but it is advisable that you create a slide deck to present the summary of your plan (you can
use Zoom or Powerpoint to create that video).
Remember that any material should be presented in a professional way.
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The videos should be submitted as follows: upload it to your favorite video hosting platform (for
example YouTube or Vimeo) as a non-public or non-listed video and email me the link to
[email protected]
If you need help creating the video, please let me know and we can organize a session. If you have not
created a video like this before it could be a great learning experience.
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Plagiarism is the act of presenting another’s ideas or words as one’s own. Cheating includes, but is not
limited to, the intentional falsification or fabrication of any academic activity, unauthorized copying of
another person’s work, or aiding and abetting any such acts.
Particular care must be taken when presenting information that has been obtained from an internet
site. Should this information not be correctly referenced, then you are guilty of plagiarism and will be
penalized accordingly.
With respect to projects/assignments, faculty reserves the right to randomly call upon any student
and ask them to defend their work orally.
Any assignment/exam which is found to contain plagiarism will automatically be awarded a grade of 0,
and an e-mail will be sent to the student or the student’s parents/tutors/sponsors. Depending on the
circumstances, additional penalties could be imposed (see LRM Academic Regulations, Section 11).
Statement of authorship
Following the title page of your assignment there should be a page on which you sign a statement that
the work included in the assignment is your own work except where appropriately referenced. The
following statement should be used:
Statement of authorship
I certify that this assignment is my own work and contains no material which has been submitted as part of an
assignment in any institute, college or university. Moreover, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains
no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference is made in the text
of the assignment.
Signed …………………………………………………………………….
Student number. ……………………………………………………



This Coursework Consists Of Creating A (Brief) Marketing Plan For A Hotel Of Your Choice.
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