Name: Tim Davis
Age: 42 yrs. Male
Allergy: NKDA
Temp: 38.6 (101.5F) oral
PULSE: 102 bpm regular rhythm strength normal
B/P: 114/62 left, 114/62 right, normotensive, Pulse pressure: normal
Orthostatic B/P: 94/50mmg upon standing
Resp: 14 bpm rhythm, effort unlabored
Spo2: 94%
Weight: 82.7kg (180.0 lbs.)
BMI: 25.1
Cog Status: A and O X 4
HEENT/NECK: Good dentition thyroid within normal limit for size and size and consistency, no cervical lymphadenopathy or mass.
Cardiovascular: regular rhythm and rate no murmur or gallop, no peripheral edema
Chest/ respiration: thorax normal to percussion, breath sound equal / clear bilaterally
Abdomen: non distended, no hepatosplenomegaly, mass or herniation, soft, non-tender throughout
Neurologic: reflexes 2 +bilaterally throughout CN ll-Xll intact
Musculoskeletal: normal muscle tone and bulk bilaterally
Genitourinary: normal muscle tone and bulk bilaterally
Genitourinary/rectal: normal circumcised prostate normal
Immunologic: normal
Skin: no pallor jaundice, ecchymoses, or rash, no gynecomastia
Lymphatic: no adenopathy
Hematologic: no ecchymosis, no petechiae
History mgt / plan: lipid panel done
Cholesterol: 239mg/dL (low risk <200, moderate 200-239, high risk >239)
HDL: 52unit dL ( maj risk < 40, Neg risk > 59)
LDL:152unit/L (Low risk < 130, moderate 130-159, high risk >159)
Triglyceride: 175mg/dL (35-135, high risk 40-160)
Follow up: Called Mr. Davis with result
Cholesterol borderline elevation
Cholesterol lowering diet recommended.
Chief complain/complain: Terrible watery diarrhea that start 3 days ago and he just feel wipe out, he went every 2hours, headache and mouth feel like someone stuck bunch of cotton in it.
Skin: Warm and mildly diaphoretic
Pain: A bit all over the head
Diarrhea: Most distressing start 3 days ago., 8 times per day tried some meds but no work
Hematuria: Streak of blood in the stool last time an hour ago, stomach feel sore and painful
Diarrhea: Nothing makes it better or worse, haven’t slept much at all in 36 hours
Headache: Same time as diarrhea but not sure, inside /deep headache
Nausea and vomiting: Not throw up at all
Abdomen: Stomach feel sore and crampy comes and go
Preventative health: Biannual dental cleaning with annual dental exam
Immunization: Up to date including seasonal flu
Past medical history: childhood illness: chicken pox, adult illness : none, multiple bouts of diarrhea of unclear etiology with no studies done.
Family history: Father 68 healthy except for mild hypertension controlled by medication, mother 67 healthy with no current medication, children 8yrs and 12 both healthy
Social history: Partner in direct marketing company that publisher variety of health-related magazine, married with 2 children live in a house in Westchester, no pet, never smoke, for alcohol take 1 glass of wine 3 to 4 night weekly, sexual history: 4 sexual partner all women prior to meeting his wife at age 26, monogamous since then