Minimum of 450 words, discussion
In percentage terms (from 0% to 100%) how often do you believe factually innocent people are convicted of crimes in the nation’s courts? What is the basis for your estimate? Elaborate. Next, in your opinion, do you believe that people are less skeptical today than they were when Edwin Borchard’s Convicting the Innocent was published in 1932 that innocent people sometimes are convicted of crimes. Fully elaborate and defend your answer. Be sure to explain the reasons why public opinion and perceptions of wrongful convictions have either stayed the same or changed.
How accurate do you believe eye witnesses are? How well do you think you would fare as an eyewitness? Also, please provide at least one original suggestion as to how police departments, legislatures, or courts can overcome problems, such as, false memories? Your suggestion should be creative; however, it must also be realistic. And, in considering the case of Manson v. Brathwaite, in your opinion, which of the six factors identified by the Court is the most important when determining the admissibility of identifications? Explain why feel that this factor is so important? Next, provide an additional factor (not recognized by the Court in the above case) that might also be useful in determining the admissibility of identification. Finally, please consider the U.S. Supreme Court case, Perry v. New Hampshire (2012). After reading about this case, do you agree with the Court’s decision. Why or why not? Elaborate.
Make a follow up question.