TOPIC: The Impact of Positive Behavior Intervention Support on Academic Achievement

The presentation should be at least 10 slides and should include graphs, pictures, data, andcitations. You should include the specific steps, resources needed, and the timeline in yourPowerPoint or Prezi. A title slide and a references slide are to be included, but do not counttowards the 10-slide minimum.Once you have developed your slides, you will record yourself either as a video or a voice-overrecording making the presentation. The actual recording has no specific time requirement,however, presenting 10 slides could take anywhere from 5-20 minutes. If you are presenting aplan that requires approval from a smaller, less formal group (like your school principal) andrequires a smaller financial consideration, then a five-minute presentation is more appropriate. Ifyou are presenting to the Board of Education and are asking for hundreds of thousands of dollars,then more information and a longer presentation are appropriate. Your presentation will dependon your topic, the identified need, and the expanse of the plan needed to address the need.For submission to Canvas, you can upload a file that is 500MB. If it is larger, then you may needto host the file through an external sourc


TOPIC: The Impact of Positive Behavior Intervention Support on Academic Achievement The presentation should be at least 10 slides and should include graphs, pictures, data, and citations. You should i
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