Required Material
A good place to start are these two videos that explain the basic concepts of the Johari Window and Transactional Analysis along with some applications to leadership:

Chapter 8 – Individual Frameworks (Johari Window Section) from The Power of the 2X2 Matrix: Using 2X2 Thinking to Solve Business Problems and Make Better Decisions (from Books 24X7). Available in the Trident Online Library.

Lowy, A., & Hood, P. (2004). The power of the 2 x 2 matrix: using 2 x 2 thinking to solve business problems and make better decisions. [Books24x7 version]. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Brown, D. (2014). Understanding transactional analysis to communicate. [Books24x7 version]. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Keep in mind that the concepts and applications of the Johari Window and Transactional Analysis are relatively difficult. So in addition to the videos, make sure to go through the following readings. Most of these readings are relatively short, so make sure to go through all of them before starting on your assignments:

Connor, M., & Pokora, J. (2012). Chapter 9: What are some useful tools and techniques? Coaching and Mentoring at Work: Developing Effective Practice. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education, pp. 183-189. [EBSCO eBook Collection. Note: You dont have to read the whole chapter, just the first two sections on the Johari Window and Transactional Analysis]

Taylor, R. (2013). Confidence at work: Get it, feel it, keep it, 2nd edition. [Books24x7 version.] Available in the Trident Online Library. (Note: To access this book, from the Portal page, click ADDITIONAL LIBRARY RESOURCES. Scroll and click Skillsoft Books (BusinessPro and ITPro). Paste the book title into the search box, and click “GO.”)

Chapman, A. (2003). Johari window. Retrieved from

For those of you who are still a bit unclear on some of the concepts or want to brush up a bit more, some of the optional material below includes a couple of additional videos. There is also another book chapter which is a little longer than some of the other readings but explains the Johari Window in fairly simple and clear terms.

If you and a group of friends or coworkers want to try to find out what your Johari Windows looks like, there is a link to a popular Johari Window Interactive tool below.

Optional Material
Patchin, S. (2015).Leadership and the Johari Window Part 2. The Tru Group.

MacLennan, J. (2008). Chapter 3: Self and others (2008). Interpersonal Communication for Canadians: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Oxford University Press, UK [Proquest. Note: make sure to view PDF file. When you search for these reading search only on the title of the book]

McKay, M., Fanning, P., & Davis, M. (2009). Chapter 2: Self-disclosure. Messages: The Communication Skills Book. Oakland, Calif: New Harbinger Publications. [EBSCO eBook Collection]

Discussion: Transactional Analysis and Johari Window in TV and Movies

Continuing with the theme of the Module 1 Discussion, do some diagnosis of a conversation from your favorite TV show or movie that demonstrates some aspect of Transactional Analysis.  Which character was the parent and which one was the child?  Or did both act like adults?  Explain how Transactional Analysis applies to this scene.  Also, if any of the characters in this show has a blind spot or hidden area, share this diagnosis with the class as well. This post should be within the first few days of the module.

For the second week of the module, start paying close attention to some interactions in your daily life.  Did you have any conversations or confrontations that could be analyzed using Transactional Analysis?  Did you change your own communication approach based on what you learned in this module about Transactional Analysis?


Transactional Analysis and Johari Window in TV and Movies
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