Case Study on Creating a Wage and Salary Pay Grade System
This assignment will involve the creation of a simple . You will complete this assignment utilizing Excel. You will find the grading rubric for this assignment following the case study.
Case Study:
This organization has 10 different positions; due to the lack of having an HR professional who understands compensation issues, it is without any salary structure for the employees.
The job titles are:
- Operator
- Mechanic
- Electrician
- Supervisor
- Administrative Assistant
- Sales Professional
- Sales Manager
- HR Manager
- Operations Manager
- President
Your task is to identify the ranking order of these jobs in the business based on least to most value to the organization.
This is accomplished by the following:
1. You will need to do some research at and benchmark these positions using regional data or national data and rank the salaries of the employees.
2. You can use an objective point system to assign points, using compensable factors for the jobs as well.
3. Next, you will tally the points for each position and assign these jobs to specific pay grades.
Now you have created an example of how a compensation professional creates pay grades for internal consistency and external competitiveness.
Here is the .
Assignment submission: Before you submit your assignment, you should save your work on your computer in a location that you will remember in Excel format. Save the document using the naming convention Username_Unit3_Assignment.xlxs. Submit your file by selecting the Unit 3 Assignment Dropbox.