Please reflect upon the Psychosocial Theoretical Perspectives on Social Gerontology provided in your reading. As a human service worker, which two theories would be important for you to remember in your work in the field with those in later adulthood? Please give detailed examples.

NOTE: You must make at least 1 substantial posting and 2 substantial replies to this thread. You must participate in the Unit 1 discussion board (making postings/replies) at least 3 days per unit to qualify for full credit for this unit’s discussion boards. To earn a grade in the excellent or good category, you must have at least 1 posting by Wed. at 11:59pm EST. You also must use APA style in your posting and replies so please use in-text references and provide a reference to give proper credit to the authors. Please know that the MSHSV program requires the use of scholarly and empirical sources at all times unless otherwise stated as much in this assignment.


Unit 7 post 2
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