Global Country Essay/Paper
Assessment Rubric for Global Healthcare
to include the Title page, (APA) Format. You will also include a bibliography (reference slide) at the end. Paper Length 3-5 pages, APA format, (not including Title page, reference page.)
- General knowledge or information about the country; i.e. quantitative descriptors, e.g. number of providers, facilities, etc.
- How many people reside in the country?
- How many providers?
4..How many facilities?
- What is the history of healthcare for your country? How did it begin?
- What plans are in place for the elderly, poor and underserved?
- Describe how healthcare policies are made and who makes the decision.
- Describe nursing homes systems (if any) and the process to get individuals
- What are the strengths of your country?
- Describe the strengths
- What are the weaknesses of your country?
12.What impact does the weakness have on the entire healthcare
- What can be done to improve this weakness?
- How are foreigners served in the current system?
- Projections for future direction and growth
- How will they sustain the growth of the current healthcare system?
- What are the challenges ahead? How will they overcome them?
Countries to choose from:
United Kingdom
United Kingdom Ro