Descriptive Results: This section summarizes the data through summary statistics and plots. Semi-blank R script files for calculating summary statistics and creating plots for each combination of variable types are provided in the D2L Group Project Information Content folder – use these script files as a starting point for your R code in this section. Though your report is in paragraph form, this section should include the following components:
- Table(s) of summary statistics and a paragraph or two describing what these summary statistics tell us about the data. Summary statistics include both univariate statistics for each variable (e.g., means, proportions, standard deviations) and statistics that summarize the relationship between your two variables (e.g., difference in means, regression line and correlation, difference in proportions).
- At least one well-labeled plot of your data, created in R, that directly addresses the research question, and a paragraph or two describing what this plot tells us about the data.
- Well-organized R code used to generate the statistics and plots in this section should be included in the Appendix section a.
This is the link to the video that explains everything.
Urgent help with R Studio for Statistics. A video step by step is attached.