One of the most important contributions sociologists make to our overall understanding of human behavior is an ability to ask meaningful questions. This is one of the outcomes of using the sociological imagination that Mills saw as a contribution from the discipline to the growth of human knowledge. In this final essay, continue to apply your developing sociological imagination to considerations of the different and far-reaching impacts the ongoing COVID19 pandemic is having on our society generally and individual groups specifically. What do you see as a lasting impact of this phenomenon on our social norms and values? In what ways do you predict our social institutions will adjust, adapt, or even change as a result? Explain why you take this position. What sociological theory or theories will help to support any of your positions.
Format: Typewritten, double-spaced, checked for grammar and spelling. Use APA format for in-text citations and reference page. A separate title page is required.
References required: Ferris & Stein (2020) textbook, reliable media sources (optional).