VAL- UP TO 11/10/23



PART 1- MODULE 4 DISCUSSION (VAL)- Applying Action Research

Describe how your proposed action research may help in growing your organization. Identify other researchers who might support your claim.


·         Your post should be about 250 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. 

·         The opening sentence will state the problem or question that it addresses. If it is a response to a thread (secondary posting), the message will briefly summarize the original thread and then clearly state whether it agrees or disagrees and why. A secondary posting does not always have to agree or disagree with an original posting. It could simply seek to clarify an issue, add new information or provide a different perspective to the posting.

·         Use evidence to make the point. Evidence can come from class texts, research from outside class, or personal experience.

PART 2- MODULE 4 ASSIGNMENT (VAL)- Developing an Annotated Bibliography

In Assignment 4, you will:

1.    Continue the research — you started in Assignment 3. Here, you will use St. Thomas University E-library (and databases) to find 5 additional research studies on your research problem/topic. You will use those 10 studies (including the 5 in Assignment 3) to create an annotated bibliography focusing on the problem at your workplace or community. You are not allowed to use GOOGLE as a database or your research source for this assignment. Information on how to access the STU databases is included in the Supplementary Readings Folder.

2.    Re-name the topic which best describes that problem—that you identified in Assignment 3 regarding your workplace. This will be your revised Research Topic. Although you named the topic in Assignment 3, now you will refine and re-write the topic based on the new information that you uncovered since you started the research on your Topic.  The revised description of the topic should contain no more than 12 words. Consider this to be the final Topic of your research.

3.    Create an Annotated Bibliography— use the 10 publications (in #1) to create this Annotated Bibliography, following the specific steps that are described below:

Steps for Developing an Annotated Bibliography

For purposes of this Assignment #4, the Annotated Bibliography should be written as follows:

1.    Use the databases in the STU E-Library

2.    Use the Template for Annotated Bibliography to create each Annotated Bibliography

3.    Identify the 10 research studies by the title of study, the author’s name, place, and date of publication.

4.    Each citation should be written in appropriate APA Manual Style with complete sentences.

5.    Each citation should contain two paragraphs, no more than 300 words, and contain any information you choose to include based on the Template.

6.    Paragraph One should contain about 6 to 8 complete sentences.

7.    Paragraph Two should contain 2 to 3 sentences that describe how the citation supports your research topic. This support may be in the form of research data, research results, or specific claims that relate to your topic.

8.    The Bibliography should be organized in order of importance for your action research topic.

Your 2 paragraphs must include the name of the author and or publisher and should reflect some of the following topics below, not all!  Include only those that are most relevant and best strengthen your argument:

1.    Description of the research cited.

2.    Statement of the main argument (i.e., explain what the research is about).

3.    Summary of the main points presented in each study (may include at least one key quotation that highlights the summary).

4.    Summary of the results of each study.

5.    Statement of the Problem and the Purpose of the Research.

6.    Evaluation of the usefulness of the study for your research problem.

7.    Note the highlight or “take-away’ of this research.


Workplace Conflict among Employees Research Topic:

Workplace Conflict Among Employees Description Conflict among coworkers is an issue in my place of employment. This problem includes a lot of arguments, conflicts, and stress among coworkers. It results in a hostile work atmosphere caused by differences in work methods, communication styles, and personal dynamics. Since it adversely affects output, staff morale, and overall organizational performance, this issue is quite concerning. The profitability of the company and the welfare of the workforce both depend on the capacity to create a pleasant work environment. By investigating this issue, I want to find practical approaches to preventing and resolving conflicts, which will enhance team relationships and the workplace environment. Danielsson, C. B., Bodin, L., Wulff, C., & Theorell, T. (2015). The relation between office type and workplace conflict: A gender and noise perspective. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 42, 161-171. Danielsson, Bodin, Wulff, and Theorell investigated the fascinating association between office architecture and workplace conflict in their 2015 research published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology, focusing on gender and office noise. A large sample of 5,229 workers from the Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health 2010 (SLOSH) who worked in different office settings participated in this exploratory investigation. Their multivariate research looked at the effect of office style on workplace disputes while controlling for age, supervisory position, and the labor market sector. The study revealed that the office style had a substantial influence on workplace disputes among women but not on males. When 3 compared to the reference cell office, women working in various office types had considerably higher conflict prevalence during the previous two years. Regarding conflict frequency, only the combi-office varied substantially from the cell-office for males. While the research recognized the impact of noise on workplace disputes, it determined that the effect of office design was maintained even when noise was controlled for in multivariate analysis. This indicated that additional environmental elements inherent in workplace architecture might explain the prevalence of disputes. Essentially, this study highlights the complicated link between office design, gender, noise, and workplace conflict, shining light on the subtleties of this complex topic and giving significant insights for firms looking to enhance their work environments. Gcumisa, T. S., & Harriss, A. (2019). Stress and conflict in the workplace. Occupational Health & Wellbeing, 71(2), 24-28. Gcumisa and Harriss explore the subject of workplace stress and conflict in their 2019 research paper published in Occupational Health & Wellbeing. The research focuses on the physiological impacts of tension on the human body, including increased pulse rate, increased respiration rate, alterations in digestive function, and changed muscular stiffness. Work-related stress may be caused by a range of factors, including interpersonal interactions and ineffective management of work procedures and duties. The article mentions a systematic review done in 2015 by Ruotsalainen et al., which evaluated several approaches to managing work-related stress and emphasized the efficacy of therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy. It underscores the need for treating the leading causes of workplace stress for successful management, exposing the considerable association between stress and workplace conflict, which is directly relevant to the more significant issue of employee-workplace conflict. 4 Kazemi, E., Carter, C., & Davies, M. S. (2022). Workplace conflict in applied behavior analysis: Prevalence, impact, and training. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 15(2), 608- 618. Kazemi, Carter, and Davies investigated workplace conflict within the context of applied behavior analysis in their 2022 research study published in Behavior Analysis in Practice, concentrating primarily on practicing Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs). Workplace conflict is common among BCBAs, according to the research, with participants reporting varying degrees of conflict with professionals such as instructors, caretakers, coworkers, and supervisees. The study discovered that a large number of practitioners have lost cases and considered quitting their positions as a result of workplace conflict, highlighting the significant effect of such disputes on job satisfaction and retention. Furthermore, the survey revealed a severe training gap, with most participants unprepared to handle workplace disagreements properly. The study provides important insights into the prevalence and impact of workplace conflict in the field of applied behavior analysis, as well as the importance of training and skill development to better manage such conflicts, which is highly relevant to the broader topic of workplace conflict among employees. Riaz, M. K., & Junaid, F. A. (2013). Workplace conflict: Constructive or destructive. Muhammad Khan Riaz & Fatima Ali Juniad (2014). Workplace Conflict: Constructive or Destructive. SRM–IMT Journal of Business & Management Research, 3(1), 84-90. Riaz and Junaid dig into the perennial problem of workplace conflict in their 2013 research paper published in the SRM-IMT Journal of Business & Management Research, notably concentrating on whether it is beneficial or detrimental. The research notes that workplace 5 conflict is a prevalent issue in occupational psychology and organizational behavior, with proponents arguing for both its negative and positive impacts. The study investigates empirical evidence on the presence of constructive elements of workplace conflict, drawing on the work of Dutsch (1973) and a group of researchers. The study review meticulously explores the advantages and disadvantages of each side’s claims, finally determining that not all sorts of conflicts are fundamentally negative. It implies that the beneficial effects of conflict are context[1]dependent rather than universal. The research draws attention to the continuing scholarly discussion on the subject and underscores the necessity for additional extensive, longitudinal, and multi-variable studies to examine workplace conflict comprehensively. This study is relevant to the wider issue of employee-workplace conflict, putting light on the complexities of the problem and the need for a nuanced understanding of its impacts. Sonnentag, S., Unger, D., & Nägel, I. J. (2013). Workplace conflict and employee wellbeing: The moderating role of detachment from work during off‐job time. International Journal of Conflict Management, 24(2), 166-183. Sonnentag, Unger, and Nägel investigate the link between workplace disputes, employee wellbeing, and the moderating influence of psychological detachment from work during off[1]work time in their 2013 research paper published in the International Journal of Conflict Management. This field research included 291 white-collar workers who completed questionnaires evaluating task conflicts, interpersonal conflicts, psychological detachment from work during off-work time, and well-being while controlling for factors including workload and job control. Employees who experienced high levels of employment and interpersonal problems reported lower levels of well-being, according to the research. Notably, psychological detachment from work minimizes the unfavorable association between relationship disputes and 6 well-being, suggesting that the capacity to withdraw from work during leisure time mentally might benefit well-being. This study bridges the gap between workplace conflict research and recovery processes, highlighting the relevance of psychological detachment as a coping technique to mitigate the negative impacts of workplace disputes on employee wellbeing. These results are directly relevant to the more significant problem of workplace conflict among workers by emphasizing the role of detachment in minimizing its influence on well-being and offering practical implications for dealing with such disputes.


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