
Vocabulary Check: 

Write the definition for each and provide an example.


The main character of major events that happened in the story,novel

Example:Lupe wong, and being alone able to see her pov,which tells us how she was the main character

Antagonist:  A person in that text the seems mean,hostile, or a bad person in the novel

Example: Stephaine from lupe wong she was hostile to Lupe


-A hint in the text that shows a events, or something in the future that may happen

Example: i have a bad feelings about this

Figurative Language: refers to language that is not literal: it suggests a comparison to something else, so that one thing is seen in terms of another.

→ Directions: STAMP each figurative language being used:

My brothers are as loud as the church bells around the corner: __Are as loud as the church bells ________________

Time flies when you are having fun: _time flies___________________________

I’ve listened to this audiobook a million times: _a million timess__________

She has a heart of gold: _____ heart of gold_________________________

Tone: Tone is more than an author’s attitude toward his/her audience and characters; it is the stylistic means by which an author conveys his/her attitude(s) in a work of literature. 


→ Directions: STAMP 5 tones we have discussed in Lupe Wong Won’t Dance. THEN state: How do you know that’s the tone being used?

1. __________________ 

→ How do you know? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________

→ How do you know?


3. __________________

→ How do you know?


4. __________________

→ How do you know?


5. __________________

→ How do you know?


Point of View: It’s the way the author chooses to tell the story.

→ Directions: STAMP the three types of Point of View in a text




→ Directions: Answer the following questions:

What POV is Lupe Wong Won’t Dance told? _________________________

What is the limitation of Lupe Wong Won’t Dance POV? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

PLOT: refers to the events that make up a story. 

→ Directions: STAMP the events that make up a story by filling in the blanks

____________________: Beginning of the story that introduces conflict, character, setting

____________________: End of story where the conflicts or problems are solved.

____________________: The turning point; the point of greatest suspense or action.

____________________: Actions or events that occur after the climax

____________________: Events before the climax; character’s attempt to solve the problem, but fails.

Theme vs. Main Idea: The theme of a story is the moral lesson, or message. Often confused with the main idea, the theme is the underlying message the author wants to convey whereas the main idea is what the story is about. 

→ Directions: Identify the theme in each of the following

A donkey and a fox decided to team up to find food together. They were traveling in the forest when they crossed paths with a lion. They were both scared. But the fox hoped to save himself. He approached the lion and offered to help him get the donkey, if the lion would let him escape unharmed. The theme of this story is: The lion agreed. So the fox and the donkey walked on, with the lion trailing behind them. The fox led the donkey to a hidden pit, left by some long‐ago hunter as a trap for wild animals, and the donkey fell in. As soon as the donkey was in the pit, the lion came out of hiding and ate the fox. Then he ate the donkey.

Theme: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


It was a beautiful spring day. The grasshopper was flitting about, enjoying himself, when he crossed paths with an ant. The ant was working very hard, carrying bits of food deep down into his anthill. “Why are you working so hard?” The grasshopper said. “I want to have plenty to eat,” the ant replied. The grasshopper laughed. “Plenty to eat!” he cried. “Why is there food everywhere that you look!” “That’s true,” the ant said. “There is enough food for today. But there will come a day when it won’t be true.” The grasshopper hopped away, not wanting to bother with the morose little ant. 

Soon spring gave way to summer, summer to fall, and fall to winter. When the fields were covered with snow, the ant sat far down in his anthill, safe and warm, his stomach full, confident that he had enough to eat to see him through the winter. The grasshopper, who had not made any preparations for winter, shivered, and went from one friend to another begging for food and feeling very foolish indeed.




Character Change: Throughout the story, characters can change/evolve in several ways.

→ Directions: Fill in the blank

_______________________________: Changes in the way a character looks

Internal or External (circle one)

_______________________________: Changes in the way a character acts, thinks, or feels

Internal or External (circle one)

→ Directions: STAMP the kind of change the character is going through

Lupe changed from her gym pants to her tight school pants. ________________________

“Square Dancing may not be bad after all.” Lupe stated. ____________________________

“I think I’m going to skip P.E. Today. I’m not enjoying it anymore.” ________________________

Andy looked pale, like she’d been in a cold freezer all day. __________________________

“I’m starting to think maybe I should be the bigger person,” Lupe states. ________________________

Gordon’s new haircut is super cute! I think I may have a crush on him now. __________________________

Fictional Text: refers to literature created from the imagination. Short stories, novels, myths, legends, and fairy tales are all considered fiction.

NonFictional Text: writing that gives information or describes real events, rather than telling a story. Autobiographies, memoirs, interviews, etc are all considered non-fiction.

Poetry: literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm

→ Directions: STAMP each jot you look for when reading a fictional text. 





→  Directions: STAMP each jot you look for when reading a  nonfiction text. 




→  Directions: STAMP each jot you look for when reading poetry. 



Process of Elimination: 

→ Directions: Answer the following questions

What is P.O.E? 


Why is it useful?


→ Directions: Fill in the blanks with the trap that is being described

_______________________________________: choices that are in the text but do not answer the question

________________________________________: choices with information that you know but that isn’t in the passage

________________________________________: sometimes a question asks you to explain figurative language. A common trap is one that doesn’t understand that the language is not meant to be taken directly

________________________________________: choices that feel too extreme for the passage 

_________________________________________: choices that say things you want to be true but that aren’t in the passage

→ Directions: STAMP what each abbreviation means when annotating your answer choices

NT __________________

NR __________________

TS __________________

TG __________________

Plan of Attack for Multiple Choice Questions: 

→ Directions: True or False (circle one)

T | F – The first step in my POA when answering MC questions is POE. 

T | F – When answering a question, the first thing I should do is unpack the prompt (annotates and jots on question)

T | F –  My last step is going back into the text to find my evidence

T | F – I should always go back into the text and bracket where I found my evidence

T | F – I should never answer the question in my own words

T | F – Utilizing POE allows for me to carefully evaluate my answer choices

→ Directions: Write out the steps to your POA when answering MC questions





Constructed Response Questions

→ Directions: STAMP what the acronym RACE stands for.






→ Directions: Use RACE to answer the following question: Why should lunch in middle school be free?






→ Directions: Write out the steps to your POA when answering constructed response questions. 





Things you should ALWAYS keep in mind: 

→ Directions: Answer the questions by filling in the blanks or circling true or false.

T | F – I should always annotate and create an MIJ jot when reading a text.

I should always have _____ pieces of evidence when answering a short response question.

T | F – I do not need a claim when answering a short response question.

The first step to answering a MC and short response question is ALWAYS to __________________________. 

T | F – If I have two pieces of evidence, I need two reasons to support each evidence

I only have _________ minutes to complete the Benchmark.

T | F – My grades do not define who I am, but If I apply all the skills I have learned I will get the grade I deserve!


——————————————————————————————————————————- Vocabulary Check: Write the definition for each and provide an example. P
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