. Once again let us look at the electric power companies. The following news report underlines the importance of vulnerability management (VM) in power companies. (U.S. power plants, utilities face growing cyber vulnerability). Using the material presented in this module and any other web resources, write a two-page report recommending a suitable VM process. Importantly, write the report in your own words, in a cohesive manner.
Your report is addressed a power company executive and may include:
(i) What is VM?
(ii) Why does their utility need it?
(iii) Standard process to follow
(iv) Required personnel
(v) Standard tools, if any.
I assume that you are neither an IT specialist nor a power company executive. Instead, try to put the concepts and processes in the context of electric power companies after reading the material presented and the reports you have read. Make sure to provide complete citations of any reference
vulnerability management