Discussion 2: The Accidental Diminisher Versus Dealing With Diminishers
Explain the quote: “When you have a diminishing impact, you are likely to be completely unaware of it and probably the last to know. As a leader, how do you know whether you are having a diminishing effect, despite having the best intentions? How do you increase your self- awareness?” (Wiseman, 2017, pp. 202–203).
To prepare for this Discussion:
Review this week’s Learning Resources, especially:
Wiseman, L. (2017). Multipliers: How the best leaders make everyone smarter (Rev. ed.). New York, NY: HarperCollins.
- Chapter 2, “The Talent Manager”
- Chapter 7, “The Accidental Diminisher”
- Chapter 8, “Dealing with Diminishers”
- https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-is-the-difference-between-a-problem-321087
Respond to two (2) of your colleagues’ postings that contain a perspective other than yours. Your response will typically be 2–3 paragraphs in length, as a general expectation.
- Share an insight about what you learned from having read your colleagues’ postings and discuss how and why your colleague’s posting resonated with you professionally and personally.
- Offer an example from your experience or observation that validates what your colleague discussed.
- Offer specific suggestions that will help your colleague build upon his or her perceptions as a leader.
- Offer further assessment from having read your colleague’s post that could impact a leader’s effectiveness.
- Share how something your colleague discussed changed the way you consider your own leadership qualities.
- 2-3 paragraphs in length per colleague
- No Plagiarism
- Cite References
1st Colleague – N. Mills
The Accidental Diminisher Versus Dealing With Diminishers
Accidental Diminisher Profiles that Might Enhance My Abilities to become and Effective Multiplier
Multipliers are associated with leadership effectiveness based on the strategies they adopt and their subsequent impact on their followers. Therefore, the aim of any leader should be to become a multiplier. However, most leaders are diminishers, even when they have the best intentions, coining the term accidental diminishers (Wiseman, 2017). Accidental diminishers, similar to multipliers, are capable of attracting talent. The most significant difference is in how they use and impact the talent, where multipliers create numerous growth opportunities for their talent while accidental diminishers take actions that cripple the growth and success of their followers.
Despite the latter’s ineffectiveness in many areas, they have profiles that others may rely on to enhance their own abilities and become effective leaders. For example, accidental diminishers often have the best intentions when pursuing various leadership actions (Wiseman, 2017). This is a profile others may use to enhance their abilities and become effective multipliers by examining what these leaders with best intentions do that is not working, and making better choices as a result. Simply put, others may use the negative profiles of accidental diminishers to make better decisions that are associated with multipliers.
For example, accidental diminishers are bound to decide on behalf of their teams because they have the profile of the Decision Maker. This profile leads accidental diminishers to use inner circles to make decisions, which denies the rest of the organization the satisfaction of being part of the process, as well as its execution (Wiseman, 2017). Others may observe the impact of such actions on followers, particularly how it hinders buy-in, and choose to act otherwise, which is being the Debate Maker. When others shift from being the Decision Maker to being the Debate Maker, they become multipliers.
Accidental diminishers also have the profile of Empire Builders. This profile refers to their ability to attract talent or resources and waste them by dividing these resources based on ownership (Wiseman, 2017). Multipliers, on the other hand, acquire resources or talent and utilize them accordingly, thereby increasing the genius of everyone (Wiseman, 2017). Therefore, to become a more effective multiplier, I will observe the actions of diminishers as they pertain to the use of talent and resources, and the impact on achievement of goals. Based on my observations, I will make choices that multiply the talents I attract for purposes of their growth and success, such as not insisting on owning or controlling resources.
In other words, accidental diminishers are often one step away from becoming multipliers. What they lack is the information and strategies that support their good intentions of having a positive impact on their teams, and helping them grow. Therefore, each of the diminisher profiles can mold me into an effective multiplier by observing their negative impacts and choosing alternative actions. The profiles offer excellent explanations of what provokes diminisher tendencies (Wiseman, 2017). This means that to become an effective multiplier, the solution is to steer away from these provocative actions.
How Breaking the Cycle of Diminishing can Impact My Organization
The main downside of diminishing is its negative implications on the productivity, growth, and success of the talent the organization attracts. Once the productivity of such talent is hindered, it becomes difficult for the organization to realize its goals. Hence, breaking the cycle of diminishing will have a positive impact on my organization by enhancing productivity. Wiseman (2017) argues that people go to work to be utilized and to do progressive work. The utilization of talent has direct positive implications on organizational success. The cycle of diminishing denies organizations this opportunity. Thus, breaking the cycle would be beneficial to them.
Levels of Dealing with Diminisher Strategies
Dealing with diminisher strategies first requires defenses against the dark arts of diminishing managers. This is achieved by halting the downward spiral, neutralizing immediate problems, and relieving stress (Wiseman, 2017). In simple terms, dealing with diminishers requires putting an end to their leadership methods and adopting better ones. The second level involves multiplying up by using the strengths of the diminishers and guiding them toward the right direction (Wiseman, 2017). Lastly, inspiring multiplier leadership in others is also a strategy for dealing with diminishers. The strategy entails celebrating progress, addressing one issue at a time, and assuming positive intent, among other actions (Wiseman, 2017). Implementing these levels encourages the shift from diminishing to multiplying.
Wiseman, L. (2017). Multipliers: How the best leaders make everyone smarter (Rev. ed.). HarperCollins.
2nd Colleague – M. Thomasor
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Compose a description of Accidental Diminisher profiles that might enhance your abilities to become more of an effective Multiplier.
The Accidental Diminisher profiles that might enhance my abilities to become an effective Multiplier are the Rescuer, Protector, and Optimist (Wiseman, 2017). These were the most prevalent profiles from my results of the Multiplier Quiz. According to Wiseman (2017), I am “Likely an Accidental Diminisher.” All things considered, it is important that I improve them. Therefore, although I have good ideas and intentions, I often send the wrong signals because I have tendencies that make people feed undervalued, obligated to my dreams, dependent on me, and mainly, they believe failure is not an option when working with me – which can hinder learning and growth for both the team and organization (2017).
To enhance my abilities to become a more effective Multiplier, to start, I must be more mindful, shift my way of thinking and acting to help others grow as leaders (Wiseman, 2017). Also, utilize my knowledge of the business to ask more insightful and challenging questions of the team, and not provide all the answers or bring up ideas but ask for them, this way, I spark the insight of others which provides a valuable opportunity to empower them to “stop, think, and rethink,” and vision things for themselves instead of me (coming across as) pushing my own thoughts and agenda (2017). However, when I am sure my perspectives have merit or will be beneficial, I must dispense my ideas in small doses according to Wiseman (2017). Timing is everything as well, therefore, providing adequate space between my ideas and others, helps to create synergy, thus, allowing enough room for everyone to chime in and contribute purposefully. In turn, I build relationships, gain trust, and get more than I could ever contribute on my own, and the team is more prone to actively listen and embrace what I have to say – which creates more value for me as the leader, for the team, individuals, and the organization because they grow (2017).
To be an effective Multiplier, it is also important that I be more assertive with my team and hold them accountable. In turn, they experience the full consequences of their work and actions (Wiseman, 2017). In keeping with Wiseman, (2017), I must give back their work and the pen, and let them know how they can improve or what needs completing. This way, by wrestling with the work themselves and letting them know it is okay to fail, I grant them ownership. This way, they feel valued and appreciated, confident, and they stretch their thinking (2017). Likewise, they learn from their missteps – which helps them to grow their intelligence and flourish in their profession (2017).
Explain how breaking the cycle of diminishing can impact your organization.
Breaking the cycle of diminishing leadership behaviors can profoundly and positively impact the organization. In a Multiplier work environment, leaders can actively bring out the best ideas and full intelligence of those around them. However, when experiencing and feeling the brunt or pain of diminishing leaders, employees must realize that most Diminishers have good intentions (Wiseman, 2017). This way, employees can help progressively shape the work environment, by providing the most upbeat attitudes and responses to mitigate diminishing leaders. By utilizing self-leadership and self-control and maximizing one’s astute contributions, employees can stand up to Diminishers by being an “agent and advocate of their defense” (Wiseman, 2017). In turn, minimizing the reductive effect of well-intentioned diminishing leaders to foster a more conducive and productive work environment (2017).
Analyze the three levels of dealing with diminisher strategies.
When dealing with Diminishers, three strategies minimize the magnitude of their sting; “Defenses Against the Dark of Diminishing Managers, Multiplying Up, and Inspiring Multiplier Leadership in Others” according to Wiseman (2017). These strategies help people to continue to utilize their greatest intelligence and the support of others they trust, and despite being surrounded by diminishing leaders, they can still propel the organization forward, otherwise, they multiply out and up (2017). Furthermore, to combat diminishing behaviors, one must be optimistic about leaders reducing behaviors, invite diminishing leaders into your work, and model the way of a Multiplier – which can significantly deflect and mitigate diminishing behaviors and dynamics in the organization – whether intentional or accidental (2017).
Wiseman, L. (2017). Multipliers: How the best leaders make everyone smarter (Rev. ed.). HarperCollins.
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