Review this list of roots for the nervous system:
This is a list of word roots with their combining vowels used for the integumentary system.
Cerebell/o cerebellum
Cerebr/o cerebrum
Cephal/o head
Crani/o skull or cranium
Encephal/o brain
Gangli/o ganglion
Medul/o medulla oblongata
Myel/o spinal cord
Neur/o nerve
Spin/o spine-craniahead or skull-cerebralbrain
Dendr- branches
Caud- tail bone
Equin- horse
Personalize a study plan.
Include the following aspects in the discussion:
- Create 5 nervous system medical terms above adding either or both, a prefix/suffix from the prior lists
- Post your list along with what each word means
- Discuss the study pattern you have developed in this course, what tools you used, what worked best and what did not seem to help
- Respond to peer posts with feedback
- Cite any references. At all times proper grammar, sentence structure, and spelling. Copy and pasting is not allowed. Always use your own words
w8 review