You are now ready to compile Parts 1-5 of your Effective Coaching Session Plan and feel confident that this plan will aid you in improving in your ability to coach employees to obtain the desired outcome. Be sure to include a “Conclusion” section of your Effective Coaching Session Plan.
Your Coaching Session Plan should be organized in the following way:
1. Introduction
a. Include a self-evaluation of the coaching attributes you believe you possess and those that you believe to be very effective.
2. Part 1 – Elements
a. The elements of a good coaching session plan
3. Part 2 – Good Questions
a. Asking good questions
4. Part 3 – Mentoring
a. Mentor someone who is an underachiever or a bad fit for the company
5. Part 4 – Effective Coaching
a. Eight steps to effective coaching
6. Part 5 – Coaching/Rewards
a. Coaching and Rewards
7. Conclusion (New content developed in Week 8)