Watch these videos: 

The Hoopsucker? Or the Hudswinger? – YouTube

Hudsucker Proxy, The (1994) Scene – YouTube

(74) EconPop – The Economics of The Hudsucker Proxy – YouTube


Using the above grid, create the demand curve(s) for the hula hoop market [hint: you may want to distinguish between the first and second parts of the scene].  Make sure you properly identify and label the graph.  Be sure to take the shape of the demand curve(s) into account, in other words, does the price-quantity combination make the curve(s) flatter or steeper?

Explain your graphic interpretation below.  Make sure you distinguish between changes in quantity demanded and changes in demand, in other words, address price as a determinant and any other nonprice determinants. 

Finally, address price elasticity; in other words how price sensitive were the children initially and then later?  

Be sure to relate your interpretation to activities in the film clip.


Watch these videos: The Hoopsucker? Or the Hudswinger? – YouTube Hudsucker Proxy, The (1994) Scene – YouTube (74) EconPop – The Economics of The Hudsucker Proxy – YouTube Question Using the above g
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