Are we stuck into our own mental maps? Or we are not? Please elaborate on our epistemological faculties. Do we really can know something? What can we know and how? Support your position with philosophical arguments and/or scientific evidences.Essays must be structured as follows:
– Page 1: Name, Surname, Title of the Essay, The Outline (Table of Content)
– Page 2 and everything after: Introduction, Part 1, Part 2 or more (if needed) strictly according to the Outline, Conclusion
– Last page: References (APA style).
– In the essay you should title each relevant part of your text according to the titles in your Outline (Table of Content).
Deadline for submission of the Midterm Expository Essays is April 11 before 23:59 Baku time. If the paper is submitted later, then 50 points will be deducted from the grade for this paper (as a penalty for not meeting the deadline).
(iii) Required number of words: 1000 (minimum) 1400 (maximum). These limits include only the text of your essay itself. These limits do not include your name, surname, section number, title of the discipline, title of your essay, outline, references, etc. Please be accurate.
(iv) Requirements to the text: Font – Arial, Size – 12, Spacing – 1.5.
(v) Essays must be supported by the APA style academic references.
(vi) Academic references in case of books (hard copies and PDF format) should include: Author/s complete Name/s and Surname/s, Year of publication, Publishing house, Total number of pages in this particular edition of the book (which you used), Exact pages from which certain sentences or ideas were used in your essay.
(vii) Academic references in case of articles should include: Complete name of the Journal, Year, Date and Number of this Journals issue, Total number of pages in this particular article, Exact pages from which certain sentences or ideas were used in your essay.
(viii) Academic references in case of online resources should include working (not dead) links, preferably the links from two peer-reviewed internet sources which you can find at the end of the Syllabus. You are strongly advised not to use other non-reliable internet sources. All the links must be available (not dead) for double-checking.
(ix) All Essays will be double-checked for plagiarism, so please be attentive while writing and with using quotes and/or fragments from other peoples texts. 1% of plagiarism will be equal to 1 lost point out of 100. Essays must be supported by academic references.
We are not stuck into our own mental maps