The complete Writing Project and Presentation is found in Getting Started. Upload the portion of the project due this week.Requirements:Writing, using software, and interpreting results is a large part of your learning experience. These assignments are designed to improve your use of technology and communication skills. Using proper business English and resources from the library you will comment and share your research with your classmates. Make sure you note your source in proper APA format.Project Information:As a new employee a local accounting firm, your first client is the Orlando University Bookstore. Jack Stone, the manager, would like some advice on several aspects of the bookstore’s accounting information system. Week 2 Writing Assignment Part 2:Create a flowchart based on the following description of how Orlando University Bookstore orders textbooks.
- Identify the key elements in the process that will be needed to create financial reports. Mr. Stone has given you an Excel file detailing all of the textbooks from the Orlando University Bookstore sold in the previous month.
- Analyze the data using IDEA. Identify any areas of concern along with the strengths and weaknesses you have identified.
- Week 2: Submit a flowchart of the bookstore process and write a 2 page report analyzing the sales process and data. How effective do you think the order system appears to be at this company.
Due Dates: This project is completed over several weeks so be sure to follow the due dates carefully.Grading Rubric: Please refer to the grading rubric specific requirements.CriteriaPointsDescriptionContent0-55Thoroughness: A majority of the paper is related to the topic assigned. Discussion of the topic is accurate and includes relevant examples. Related sources are used to explain the topic but a majority of the paper (roughly 80%) is the student’s own ideas. Creative solutions and/or recommendations are based on the issues presented and a review of the sources used. Timeliness: Assignment submitted by the assigned due date.Sources0-20The paper contains the minimum number of scholarly/authoritative sources from the KU library and/or authoritative sources such as applicable standards, laws, regulation, etc. required.Formatting0-15The paper is logically organized, follows proper APA format including cover page, abstract, introduction, proper headings, conclusion, references, exhibits if applicable, etc. In-text citations and references conform to APA standards.Writing0-10Paper is written at the university level. Error-free writing is clear and thoughts are organized into complete sentences and paragraphs. Library AssistanceHow to cite work from the library: How to cite work from the library.docx How to cite work from the library.docx – Alternative FormatsGraded Activity:Click on Getting Started to review the requirements for the writing project. Then click the title link above labeled “Week 2 Writing Project – Part 2” to upload part 2 of the writing project.