Download Admissions.xlsx data set . It shows graduate program admission decisions (Yes: 1 and No: 2), GRE score and undergraduate GPA (1: 3.5 and 2: < 3.5) for fifty students.
Fit a binary logistic regression model with admission decision as the dependent variable, GRE and GPA as the independent variables.
- Evaluate the goodness of fit of the model.
- Determine the significance of independent variables.
- Interpret odds ratios for independent variables.
- State the binary logistic regression equation.
- Evaluate the classification accuracy of the model.
- Check if the residuals are independent.
Submission Details:
- Submit a 34 page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.
- The relevant Minitab output should be copied to this document.
- Name your document BUS7205_W3_Project_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
Week 3 Report