Vocal Variety
The vocal variety of the Wahls is excellent in my opinion because he uses it expressively in his speech to help to convey his point. The representatives are being addressed by “a sixth generation Iowan” who was “raised by two women”. The changes are subtle and distinct when you hear them. I think he does this even better when he begins to compare his family to others. He says they aren’t that different and elaborates that in conversations about same-sex marriage the question always comes up that insinuates that it may be a challenge to raise kids of a same sex couple. Wahls steps in to add that he turned out okay (Zach Wahls Speaks About Family, 2011).
Strategic Pauses
I can note a few pauses that Wahls uses to convey emphasis for his statements. Once when he says he was raised by two women, again when he speaks about his family, and a third time when he speaks about being an Iowan. When Wahls uses some of these pauses in his speech he is trying to emphasis that point he is making, or he is saying something that he wants to let sink in for the audience. “I was raised by two women.” He says and pauses for you to really hear that statement. When he says that we don’t derive their sense of worth the state saying congratulation your married (Zach Wahls Speaks About Family, 2011).
Natural Gestures
Starting off Wahls actually has his hands in his pockets which I don’t often see for speakers. Then he continues to keep one hand in his pock for most of the speech. It wasn’t until he wanted to address the chairman that his hands came together, and he gestures to him. As his speech begins to come to the point where he is asking for understanding more than anything, they are in a mannerism that fits with that subject. Wahls has many gestures that he is using, and they all seem natural and comfortable with what he is saying now (Zach Wahls Speaks About Family, 2011).
Eye Contact
In this sample speech I can see that Wahls is speaking to more than one person. He can’t just stare at one person, so his eyes must scan the crowd as he is speaking to everyone in the room. He makes a point not to stare too long at one person, and to let a few words out as his gazes hangs in one place. Thoughts are not broken when he shifts his gaze. He completes the sentence and moves his head. I believe that this is great eye contact because even though he peers down at his phone or notes he is making a great point not to break his thoughts up or to finish them before looking down (Zach Wahls Speaks About Family, 2011).
Iowa House Democrats. (2011). Zach Wahls Speaks About Family. Youtube.com. Retrieved from : Zach Wahls Speaks About Family – YouTube