Submissions should be at least 500 words and no more than 750.
Please put the word count at the bottom of the last page.
Please use a uniform, standard, 12-point font (Times New Roman, Calibri, etc)
Please use in-text citations to cite the texts you are referencing.
Please use a header that contains the following:
Your First Name and Last Name
Topic of Interest
Date of Submission
Topic is what makes you happy? What makes me happy is living life . What community did you choose?
o How do you define a member of the community you chose age, interests, participation in a given activity or institution?
Did the findings of your interview support the findings of your survey? o If they did, how did they support them?
o If not, why do you think there was a difference?
What can you say about the levels of happiness in the community you studied?
How do people in this community think about happiness?
What makes people in this community happy? What gets in the way of this happiness?
Are there differences within the community? For example, are older/younger members of the community more/less happy? Etc.
Whats Makes You Happy ?